python Programming Glossary: shorten
How can I pass data from Python (Flask framework) to Javascript? offers more advanced constructs from Python so you can shorten it to html head script var myGeocode ' '.join geocode script..
web2py url validator url validator In a shorten er built by web2by i want to validate url's first if it's not..
Substitutions inside links in reST / Sphinx New in Sphinx v1.0 sphinx.ext.extlinks Markup to shorten external links http ext extlinks.html The extension..
Python Dictionary Comprehension like this l for n in range 1 11 l.append n We can shorten this to a list comprehension l n for n in range 1 11 . However..
Threading in python doesn't happen parallel I want to multi thread this task at least a few times to shorten the fetching at least to around 30 45minutes. python multithreading..
if x or y or z == blah evaluated on their own False if 0 True otherwise . You can shorten that to if 1 in x y z or better still if 1 in x y z using a..
Python: Split unicode string on word boundaries string on word boundaries I need to take a string and shorten it to 140 characters. Currently I am doing if len tweet 140.. 140 tweet re.sub r s tweet #normalize space footer utils.shorten_urls post 'url' avail 140 len footer words tweet.split result..
Is `import module` better coding style than `from module import function`? import mymodulewithalongname as mymod can usefully shorten your code and enhance its readability and if you rename mymodulewithalongname..
python : list index out of range error is called a list comprehension by the way . You could even shorten that last part to just if x since non zero numbers evaluate..
Python script for minifying CSS? will collapse them anyway css re.sub r' s ' ' ' css # shorten collapsable colors #aabbcc to #abc css re.sub r'# 0 9a f 1 0..
How can one shorten mongo ids for better use in URLs? can one shorten mongo ids for better use in URLs I've built a number of python.. without building a mapping collection or utilizing a url shortener service. Suggestions Success stories python mongodb share..
How to find XML Elements via XPath in Python in a namespace-agnostic way? # elem As you can see these are quite verbose. I can shorten them by doing the following default_ns http really long namespace.uri..
Python urllib2, basic HTTP authentication, and some code to use the http APIs http api to shorten a URL. After reading http library urllib2.html.. authentication doesn't seem to have worked because the shortened URL isn't in my list of URLs at http page 1 . After..
Frequently repeated try/except in Python are frequently repeated in code are there any good ways to shorten them or avoid fully writing them out try # Do similar thing..
How can I un-shorten a URL using python? can I un shorten a URL using python I have seen this thread already How can.. using python I have seen this thread already How can I unshorten a URL using python My issue with the resolved answer that is.. is using the API is that I am focusing on unshortening youtube links. Since is used readily this returns..
Date Ordinal Output? 2009 April 1st python share improve this question Or shorten David's answer with if 4 day 20 or 24 day 30 suffix th else..
How to download a file using Python open path to someFile wb .write source You could even shorten it to although you wouldnt want to shorten it if you plan to.. You could even shorten it to although you wouldnt want to shorten it if you plan to enclose each individual call in a try except..
Trie (Prefix Tree) in Python of it with quick googling. Level compression can shorten the average path considerably but insertion and removal algorithms..