

python Programming Glossary: shoot

Python Matplotlib hangs when asked to plot a second chart (after closing first chart window)


the frame no white background nothing and the whole bang shoot hangs. I have to end task the python interpreter is terminated..

pygame - KEYDOWN event - line not updating position


player game which is supposed to look like In the game the shooters green and blue controlled by players can shoot bullets at.. game the shooters green and blue controlled by players can shoot bullets at each other. If the bullet 1. collides with the wall.. collides with the wall grey it gets destroyed. 2. hits the shooter it loses health shooter . The game is supposed to be turn..

How to trouble-shoot HDFStore Exception: cannot find the correct atom type


to trouble shoot HDFStore Exception cannot find the correct atom type I am looking.. True k wargs 'data_columns' True I'll continue to troubleshoot. Here's a link to several hundred records https docs.google.com..

Space invaders project


real question is is there a way to check for an event like shooting less frequently. right now if you press space bar fast enough.. is bigger than for example 10 than you clear counter and shoot in more complicated game you could use pygame.time.get_ticks..

What kinds of patterns could I enforce on the code to make it easier to translate to another programming language?


high costs and often outright failure. . What you have to shoot for to translate large scale systems is high nineties percentage..

Python function overloading


way. I am making a game where a character needs to shoot a variety of bullets but how do I write different functions..

1000 digits of pi in python


is used to work but like I said before I can't get it to shoot out that code. python pi share improve this question Run..