

python Programming Glossary: shuts

Installing pymc then matplotlib Win7-64 continues to fail despite workarounds


pymc however this produces a pop up box that immediately shuts down so assume it is failing for some reason. I then used the..

Detect user logout / shutdown in Python / GTK under Linux - SIGTERM/HUP not received


a crash now comes the problem when the user logs out or shuts down the system the app exits with status 1. But on some X errors..

How to stop BaseHTTPServer.serve_forever() in a BaseHTTPRequestHandler subclass?


want to stop serving requests when the main thread also shuts down. The Python documentation states that BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer..

Python: How to “perfectly” override a dict


you missed a method so below is the minimal version that shuts the ABC up. import collections class TransformedDict collections.MutableMapping..

Simple HTTP Web Server [closed]


starts the web server then runs the selenium test then shuts down the webserver. Something that is a single file would also..

Threaded importing while interpreter shuts down


importing while interpreter shuts down Python's threading documentation states All import attempts..

NoSQL Solution for Persisting Graphs at Scale


like so r1.shutdown redis saves to disk just before it shuts down so this is a good way to ensure all writes were persisted...