python Programming Glossary: she
Are there any good online tutorials to TDD for an experienced programmer who is new to testing? [closed] is Randori. The coder should continuously explain what she or he is doing. The coder should stop when someone from the..
Python replace function [replace once]
“”.join(reversed(val)) vs val[::-1]…which is pythonic? to judging what's easy and natural for most people and she absolutely loves the martial smiley. Just walk it backwards..
What does plus equals (+=) do in Python? sent me the following Python code to demonstrate what she thinks is wrong with Python. At the moment I have to agree with..
Is there a Cart/Catalog app out there that isnt a full site? or Ruby just in case i need to customize the backend she curently has ZenCart and hates it says its far too complicated..
Django authentication and Ajax - URLs that require login users instead of getting redirected to a login page he she gets a popup window via JavaScript asking him her to log in.. part so no need for a user to use the back key if he she decides he she really doesn't like the website enough to waste.. need for a user to use the back key if he she decides he she really doesn't like the website enough to waste the time registering...
Cross platform keylogger has returned and I pop up a small inactive window where she can choose to add the time interval to break the current project..
Making a Django form class with a dynamic number of fields I'm making a form in which the customer buys an item and she can choose how many of these item she would like to buy. But.. buys an item and she can choose how many of these item she would like to buy. But on every item that she buys she needs.. these item she would like to buy. But on every item that she buys she needs to choose what its color would be. So there's..
how to print to stderr in python?
Free word list for use programatically? [closed] closed A friend of mine was talking about a word game she liked to play where you try to convert one word to another they..
Programming tutorials for people with zero experience [closed] is interested in learning how to program computers but she knows nothing about programming. I suggested that Python might..