python Programming Glossary: shares
How to create a TRIE in Python you have to detect situations in which your current word shares a suffix with another word in the structure. In fact this can..
Python and reference passing. Limitation? does not have pass by reference. One of the few things it shares with Java by the way. Some people describe argument passing..
Differences between Framework and non-Framework builds of Python on Mac OS X and resources of a framework into memory as needed and shares the one copy of a resource among all applications. Framework..
listing network shares with python network shares with python if I explicitly attempt to list the contents of..
Greenlet Vs. Threads Twisted libevent libuv node.js etc where all your code shares the same execution context and register event handlers. It's..
Check if symbolic link on Samba share with python share improve this question I used pysmb to access samba shares from python and I found that according to the MS documentation..
Why are default arguments evaluated at definition time in Python? children The problem is that every instance of Node class shares the same children attribute if the attribute is not given explicitly..
Why does supplying stdin to subprocess.Popen cause what is written to stdout to change? original BSD implementations. In that it would certainly shares some relationship with Mac OS X's ftp implementation. For me..
How to synchronize a python dict with multiprocessing Running will start a customized SyncManager that shares the syncdict dictionary for use of multiple processes and can.. 2 will fail miserably because of the way multiprocessing shares custom objects Using SyncManager's dict method would alleviate..
Using NumPy and Cpython with Jython descendant but it has about the same functionality and shares a lot of the concepts and philosophy so maybe you could find..
py2exe com dll problem drives #Network Entire network #NetShare All network shares TYPES ' ' 'Directory' SUBKEY 'MindRetrieve' def alertError hwnd..
How to develop an Avahi client/server dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop # Looks for iTunes shares TYPE _http._tcp def service_resolved args print 'service resolved'..
Is shared readonly data copied to different processes for Python multiprocessing? different processes does not get a copy of glbl_array but shares it. If there is no way to stop the copy I will go with a memmapped..
How to structure a python projects with shared sub apps using git and buidout without symbolic links without symbolic links I have multiple projects that shares child apps with other projects . When working within the project..
Python configuration file: Any file format recommendation? INI format still appropriate? Seems quite old school is as easy to author as an INI style config file. It also shares an important characteristic with INI files it is very suitable..
using class methods as celery tasks task dinamically from constructor for example but celery shares the code between the workers so that's why it seems to be impossible...
Complete Suffix Array its length minus 2 the length of ab the longest prefix it shares with the previous entry . So these numbers can be generated.. That would be 16 abxdabe above. Then remove the prefix it shares with the previous entry yields xdabe and then jump to the position..
Checking for NaN presence in a container instance of NaN created in different places even though it shares an instance of a small number or a short string. This means..