

python Programming Glossary: self.stopped

Python threading.timer - repeat function every 'n' seconds


Thread def __init__ self event Thread.__init__ self self.stopped event def run self while not self.stopped.wait 0.5 print my.. self self.stopped event def run self while not self.stopped.wait 0.5 print my thread # call a function In the code that..

how to start and stop thread


threading class Concur threading.Thread def __init__ self self.stopped False threading.Thread.__init__ self def run self i 0 while.. self def run self i 0 while not self.stopped time.sleep 1 i i 1 in main code I want inst Concur while conditon..

How to stop BaseHTTPServer.serve_forever() in a BaseHTTPRequestHandler subclass?


lambda 'OK' 'ping' def serve_forever self while not self.stopped self.handle_request def force_stop self self.server_close self.stopped.. self.handle_request def force_stop self self.server_close self.stopped True self.create_dummy_request def create_dummy_request self..

Asychronous Programming in Python Twisted


class SimplestReactor object def __init__ self self.events self.stopped False def do self something self.events.append something def.. self.events.append something def run self while not self.stopped time.sleep 0.1 if self.events thisTurn self.events.pop 0 thisTurn.. thisTurn self.events.pop 0 thisTurn def stop self self.stopped True reactor SimplestReactor # Application def thing1 print..