

python Programming Glossary: self.show

How to link multiple wx.Dialogs in wxPython


self.gameBoard SetFocus self.gameBoard.start self.Centre self.Show True #show the frame if __name__ '__main__' # how can I start.. show the frame just yet #self.Hide is the exact same as self.Show False Now for your dialogs. Like Mike Driscoll suggested you..

Undefined variable from import when using wxPython in pydev


100 self.control wx.TextCtrl self style wx.TE_MULTILINE self.Show True app wx.App False frame MyFrame None 'Small editor' app.MainLoop..

How to update a plot with python and Matplotlib


4 2 3 self.Bind wx.EVT_BUTTON self.OnCalculate calcButton self.Show True def OnCalculate self event self.gSheet1.set_xlim 0 20 self.gSheet1.set_ylim.. 2 3 self.Bind wx.EVT_BUTTON self.OnCalculate calcButton # self.Show True def OnCalculate self event self.gSheet1.set_xlim 0 20 self.gSheet1.set_ylim..

Best way to get the name of a button that called an event?


20 20 self.button2.Bind wx.EVT_BUTTON self.buttonClick self.Show True def buttonClick self event if event.Id self.button1.Id..

Cookbook GUI interface for a command-line script


self.CallCommand self.panel.SetSizerAndFit self.sizer self.Show def CallCommand self e p Popen self.command.GetValue shell True.. self.CallCommand self.panel.SetSizerAndFit self.sizer self.Show def CallCommand self e startWorker self.WorkCommandDone self.WorkCommand..