

python Programming Glossary: self.quit

Correct way to implement a custom popup tkinter dialog box


t func self.time_out def time_out self self.v None self.quit def b0_action self event None # if there is an entry get its.. its value to return if self.entry self.v self.entry0.get self.quit else self.v self.b0r self.quit def b1_action self event None.. self.v self.entry0.get self.quit else self.v self.b0r self.quit def b1_action self event None self.v self.b1r self.quit def..

How do you create a Button on a tkinter Canvas?


#add quit button button1 Button canvas1 text Quit command self.quit anchor W button1.configure width 10 activebackground #33B5E5.. # ... snip ... button1 Button self text Quit command self.quit anchor W button1.configure width 10 activebackground #33B5E5..

Stop pygtk GUI from locking up during long-running process


self.counter 0 button.connect clicked self.on_button_click self.quit False def update_label self counter self.label.set_text Counter..