python Programming Glossary: self.process
Call exiftool from a python script? bin exiftool self.executable executable def __enter__ self self.process subprocess.Popen self.executable stay_open True @ stdin subprocess.PIPE.. return self def __exit__ self exc_type exc_value traceback self.process.stdin.write stay_open nFalse n self.process.stdin.flush def.. traceback self.process.stdin.write stay_open nFalse n self.process.stdin.flush def execute self args args args execute n self.process.stdin.write..
Interact with a Windows console application via Python class InteractiveCommand def __init__ self process prompt self.process process self.prompt prompt self.output self.wait_for_prompt.. self while not self.output c 1 if c break self.output c # Now we're at a prompt.. self.output return tmp def command self command self.process.stdin.write command n return self.wait_for_prompt p Popen cmd.exe..
subprocess with timeout class Command object def __init__ self cmd self.cmd cmd self.process None def run self timeout def target print 'Thread started'.. def run self timeout def target print 'Thread started' self.process subprocess.Popen self.cmd shell True self.process.communicate.. started' self.process subprocess.Popen self.cmd shell True self.process.communicate print 'Thread finished' thread threading.Thread..
multiprocessing GUI schemas to combat the “Not Responding” blocking self.queue mp.Queue self.worker worker self.parent parent self.process mp.Process target self.worker.some_complex_processing args self.queue.. Tab.update_GUI @QtCore.pyqtSlot def start_computation self self.process.start while True try message self.queue.get self.update_signal.emit.. break #self.parent.update_GUI message self.process.join return # Each tab will start it's own thread which will..
How do I stop Tornado web server? port tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance .start self.process Process target server_thread args self.application port def.. server_thread args self.application port def start self self.process.start def stop self ioloop tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance ioloop.add_callback..
Tkinter: Wait for item in queue a query method every now and then. def read_queue self try self.process self.queue.get False # non blocking except Queue.Empty pass..