python Programming Glossary: self.close
PyQt Webkit and html forms: Fetching output and closing window self.handleFormSubmitted def handleFormSubmitted self url self.close elements for key value in url.encodedQueryItems key unquote_plus..
Hotmail SSL3 version number error using smtp 2.7 lib python2.7 smtplib.pyc in getreply self 357 self.close 358 raise SMTPServerDisconnected Connection unexpectedly closed.. unexpectedly closed 359 str e 360 if line '' 361 self.close SMTPServerDisconnected Connection unexpectedly closed Errno..
How to embed a Python interpreter in a PyQT widget exec command in self.namespace except SystemExit self.close except traceback_lines traceback.format_exc .split ' n' #.. and event.modifiers QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier self.close super Console self .keyPressEvent event welcome_message '''..
Is Tornado really non-blocking? logging.error Error connecting to MySQL on s self.close raise As far as I know calls to the MySQLdb which is built on..
Which Python async library would be best suited for my code? Asyncore? Twisted? self self.out_buffer self.recv 1024 if not self.out_buffer self.close s Server '' 5007 asyncore.loop and here's the client import.. host port self.out_buffer message def handle_close self self.close def handle_read self print 'Received' self.recv 1024 self.close.. def handle_read self print 'Received' self.recv 1024 self.close c Client '' 5007 'Hello world' asyncore.loop There are a few..