

python Programming Glossary: periodically

What can you use Python generator functions for?


You pass this callback to the work function and it would periodically call this callback. The generator approach is that the work..

Run a task at specific intervals in python [duplicate]


be the most pythonic way to schedule a function to run periodically as a background task There are some ideas here but they all..

How do you do something after you render the view? (Django)


the 'message' in a database table and have a cron job periodically check the table to perform the work. share improve this answer..

How to get the distinct value of one of my models in Google App Engine


Another option is to use a queued task or cron job to periodically create a list of all areas accumulating it over multiple requests..

Running function 5 seconds after pygtk widget is shown


You can use glib.timeout_add interval callback ... to periodically call a function. If the function returns True then it will be..

Force Python to forego native sqlite3 and use the (installed) latest sqlite3 version


continues to be developed as that separate project while periodically the version in Python itself is updated to match it. If you..

multiprocessing GUI schemas to combat the “Not Responding” blocking


example using a QTimer instead of Callbacks checking periodically for Entries in a Queue updating a QProgressBar # usr bin env.. pool_init initargs self.queue # Check for progress periodically self.timer QTimer self.timer.timeout.connect self.updateProgress..

How to make a python script run like a service or daemon in linux


script. Cron is a common name for a GNU Linux daemon that periodically launches scripts according to a schedule you set. You add your.. why you should make a daemon in addition to trigger periodically choose the other approach. Also if you use daemonize with a..

Polling the keyboard in python


while 1 # doing amazing pythonic embedded stuff # ... # periodically do a non blocking check to see if # we are being told to do..

Django - Set Up A Scheduled Job?


and I'm curious if there is a way to schedule a job to run periodically. Basically I just want to run through the database and make..

Python - How to check if a file is used by another application?


by another application I want to open a file which is periodically written to by another application. This application cannot be..

How should I log while using multiprocessing in Python?


entries on the fly from all pipes into a central log e.g. periodically select from the pipes' fd's perform merge sort on the available..

Alternatives to Python Popen.communicate() memory limitations?


to disable this buffering or force the cache to be cleared periodically while the process runs What alternative approach should I use..

I need to securely store a username and password in Python, what are my options?


my options I'm writing a small Python script which will periodically pull information from a 3rd party service using a username and.. to break it. This script won't have a GUI and will be run periodically by cron so entering a password each time it's run to decrypt.. securely store the username and password combo to be used periodically via a cron job python security encryption share improve this..

simple thread management within python classes


is set by a method call from outside and which the thread periodically checks to know if it was asked to die. Using Queue.Queue for..