python Programming Glossary: per
Python List Comprehension Vs. Map range 10 ' 'map hex xs ' 100000 loops best of 3 4.86 usec per loop python mtimeit s'xs range 10 ' ' hex x for x in xs ' 100000.. ' ' hex x for x in xs ' 100000 loops best of 3 5.58 usec per loop An example of how performance comparison gets completely.. loops best of 3 5.58 usec per loop An example of how performance comparison gets completely reversed when map needs a..
how to print number with commas as thousands separators in Python 2.x It does not need to be locale specific to decide between periods and commas. I would prefer something as simple as reasonably.. is useful for the negative case but one recursion per comma seems a bit excessive to me. share improve this answer..
How can I quantify difference between two images? a threshold. I'm looking for simplicity rather than perfection. I'm using python. python image processing background.. color changes you will have a vector of color values per point rather than a scalar value as in grayscale image. You.. n_m n_0 compare_images img1 img2 print Manhattan norm n_m per pixel n_m img1.size print Zero norm n_0 per pixel n_0 1.0 img1.size..
How can I use a DLL from Python how can this be done without writing any additional wrapper C code to expose the functionality to Python Native Python functionality.. I specify int as the return type I can safely ignore it as per IBM's documentation here . This makes for a single simple ctypes.. libraries will need a separate ctypes function set up per library function. The return value from WINFUNCTYPE is a function..
Weighted random selection with and without replacement list that can be indexed very efficiently through bit operations to avoid a binary search. It will turn out that done correctly.. will need to only store two items from the original list per bin and thus can represent the split with a single percentage... per bin and thus can represent the split with a single percentage. Let's us take the example of five equally weighted choices..
Python UnicodeDecodeError - Am I misunderstanding encode? by Western countries. Such encodings use only one byte per character. Basically Unicode can be encoded with many encodings..
How do I determine the size of an object in Python? integer etc. in Python. Related question How many bytes per element are there in a Python list tuple I am using an XML file..
How do you remove duplicates from a list in Python whilst preserving order? you plan on using this function a lot on the same dataset perhaps you would be better off with an ordered set http
Does Django scale? on Scaling Django Web Apps says hundreds of hits per second . This is a very good presentation on how to scale Django..
How to learn Python: Good Example Code? [closed] I would really like to see an excellent example of some proper Python code style organization etc. and ideally a WHY associated.. The reason this is coming up is I have quite a bit of experience in Java and .NET where it is generally preferred to have.. it is generally preferred to have one class definition per source file. That rarely seems to be the case in the python..
Why is reading lines from stdin much slower in C++ than Python? Python code. Since my C is rusty and I'm not yet an expert Pythonista please tell me if I'm doing something wrong or if.. 1 delta_sec int time.time start_time if delta_sec 0 lines_per_sec int round count delta_sec print Read 0 n lines in 1 n seconds... in 1 n seconds. LPS 2 n .format count delta_sec lines_per_sec Here are my results cat test_lines . readline_test_cpp Saw..
Making a flat list out of list of lists in Python [duplicate] in l for item in sublist ' 10000 loops best of 3 143 usec per loop python mtimeit s'l 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 99' 'sum l ' 1000.. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 99' 'sum l ' 1000 loops best of 3 969 usec per loop python mtimeit s'l 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 99' 'reduce lambda.. 'reduce lambda x y x y l ' 1000 loops best of 3 1.1 msec per loop Explanation the shortcuts based on including the implied..
python pip install psycopg2 install error temporarily causes problems with the operating system. Per Purrell's answer make sure you include the fs flags when you..
Homebrew + Python on mac os x 10.8: Fatal Python error: PyThreadState_Get: no current thread importing mapnik Since Last Report 128837 sec Crashes Since Last Report 5 Per App Crashes Since Last Report 4 Anonymous UUID 567121E6 7BAC..
Django or similar for composite primary keys I want to use naturally have multi column primary keys. Per http ticket 373 I can't use Django at..
Manual garbage collection in Python python garbage collection share improve this question Per the docs gc.get_referrers thatobject will tell you why the object..
can't open unicode url with python wrong python unicode share improve this question Per the applicable standard RFC 1378 URLs can only contain ASCII..
Making python/tkinter label widget update? a python tkinter label widget to update its contents. Per an earlier thread today I followed instructions on how to put..
Pygame- window and sprite class - python pygame.display.update # FPS clock.tick 25 # 25 Frames Per Seconds # finish pygame.quit # Window 800 600 .run ball1.png..
How to read *.wav file in Python? python audio wav wave share improve this question Per the sources somefile returns a tuple of..
Subclassing Python dictionary to override __setitem__ that Python will always call my __setitem__ method UPDATE Per gs's suggestion I've tried subclassing UserDict actually IterableUserDict..
How to know the path of the running script in Python? __file__ python path share improve this question Per the great Dive Into Python import sys os print 'sys.argv 0 '..
Getting monitor size in python monitor fullscreen pygame share improve this question Per the docs pygame.display.Info gives you a VideoInfo object that..
CPU Usage Per Process in Python Usage Per Process in Python Is it possible for me to see the amount of..
py2exe com dll problem python py2exe pywin32 share improve this question Per the docs about error R6034 it means you're loading the C runtime.. libraries wrong because you're missing a manifest . Per this thread it seems the needed approach is just i found that..
How to get self into a Python method without explicitly accepting it automatically to the dict passed to it. @kendall Per your comment about how you're using this with methods being..
How can I profile python code line-by-line? Proc2 at line 149 Total time 0.606656 s Line # Hits Time Per Hit Time Line Contents 149 @profile 150 def Proc2 IntParIO..
How should I log while using multiprocessing in Python? multiprocessing aware log LOG multiprocessing.get_logger . Per the docs this logger has process shared locks so that you don't..
Is there a portable way to get the current username in Python? getpass.getuser 'kostya' Availability Unix Windows p.s. Per comment below this function looks at the values of various environment..
Hang in Python script using SQLAlchemy and multiprocessing the bug report StatementError Exceptions un pickable. . Per Mike's suggestion I also reported a similar bug to psycopg2..
Checking for NaN presence in a container that list containment is tested using operator . EDIT Per Roman's answer it would seem that __contains__ for list tuple..