

python Programming Glossary: performant

benchmarks: does python have a faster way of walking a network folder?


in Python . It's not surprising that Python is less performant than C but the approach used in Python gives a little more flexibility..

Is there a equivalent to commit in bulbs framework for neo4j


neo4j bulbs share improve this question The most performant way to execute a multi part transaction is to encapsulate the..

what changes when your input is giga/terabyte sized?


the data into memory all at once is much harder and less performant than brute force and regarding the entire file as one large..

Modern, high performance bloom filter in Python?


this code into BitVector 1.5 and it should give you a more performant bit counting method def fast_count_bits self v bits 0 1 1 2..

Is there a Python equivalent to Ruby symbols?


Fastest way to get the first object from a queryset in django?


this which all work. But I'm wondering which is the most performant. qs MyModel.objects.filter blah blah if qs.count 0 return qs..

Parsing HTML with Python 2.7 - HTMLParser, SGMLParser, or Beautiful Soup?


feature rich library and its underlying C core is quite performant when compared to its alternatives. As for pyquery I really liked..

Convert RGBA PNG to RGB with PIL


Here's a version that's much simpler not sure how performant it is. Heavily based on some django snippet I found while building..

Syntax Highlighting in Cocoa TextView? Experiences? Suggestions? Ideas? [duplicate]


library e.g. like pygments to have an extensible and performant syntax highlighting in a Cocoa TextView Note I know this question..