php Programming Glossary: tz
Convert UTC offset to timezone or date if necessary. Sure enough it appears to work php offset 10 tz timezone_name_from_abbr null offset 3600 true if tz false tz.. 10 tz timezone_name_from_abbr null offset 3600 true if tz false tz timezone_name_from_abbr null offset 3600 false echo.. timezone_name_from_abbr null offset 3600 true if tz false tz timezone_name_from_abbr null offset 3600 false echo tz In some..
How to tell if a timezone observes daylight saving at any time of the year? PHP's DateTimezone class PHP 5.2 function timezoneDoesDST tzId tz new DateTimeZone tzId trans tz getTransitions return count.. DateTimezone class PHP 5.2 function timezoneDoesDST tzId tz new DateTimeZone tzId trans tz getTransitions return count trans.. PHP 5.2 function timezoneDoesDST tzId tz new DateTimeZone tzId trans tz getTransitions return count trans trans count trans..
how to detect users timezone ajax libs jstimezonedetect 1.0.4 jstz.min.js script script type text javascript document .ready function.. script type text javascript document .ready function var tz jstz.determine Determines the time zone of the browser client.. type text javascript document .ready function var tz jstz.determine Determines the time zone of the browser client var..
How to get previous month and year relative to today, using strtotime and date? to this for example if it worked correctly of course echo tz date 'last month' format 'Y d' So I ONLY need previous month..
Why date() works twice as fast if we set time zone from code? function PHP_FUNCTION date_default_timezone_get timelib_tzinfo default_tz default_tz get_timezone_info TSRMLS_C RETVAL_STRING.. date_default_timezone_get timelib_tzinfo default_tz default_tz get_timezone_info TSRMLS_C RETVAL_STRING default_tz.. timelib_tzinfo default_tz default_tz get_timezone_info TSRMLS_C RETVAL_STRING default_tz name 1 OK..
PHP, MySQL and Time Zones DateTimeZone 'UTC' foreach DateTimeZone listIdentifiers as tz dt setTimeZone new DateTimeZone tz echo tz ' ' dt format 'Y.. listIdentifiers as tz dt setTimeZone new DateTimeZone tz echo tz ' ' dt format 'Y m d H i s' n You can greatly simplify.. as tz dt setTimeZone new DateTimeZone tz echo tz ' ' dt format 'Y m d H i s' n You can greatly simplify the selection..
GeoLocation API TO Australia TR Asia TT North America TV Australia TW Asia TZ Africa UA Europe UG Africa US North America UY South America..
Display time/date in specific timezone using date() function needed datetime new DateTime current time server time otherTZ new DateTimeZone 'America Los_Angeles' datetime setTimezone.. 'America Los_Angeles' datetime setTimezone otherTZ calculates with new TZ now or simply set the appropriate timezone.. datetime setTimezone otherTZ calculates with new TZ now or simply set the appropriate timezone with date_default_timezone_set..
PHP: System Timezone Setting error settings. Please use the date.timezone setting the TZ environment variable or the date_default_timezone_set function...
Why date() works twice as fast if we set time zone from code? DATEG timezone Check environment variable env getenv TZ if env env timelib_timezone_id_is_valid env tzdb return env.. to UTC php_error_docref NULL TSRMLS_CC E_WARNING DATE_TZ_ERRMSG We had to select 'UTC' because your platform doesn't..
How to check is timezone identifier valid from code? of supported timezones from PHP manual I can see all valid TZ identifiers in PHP. My first question is how to get that list.. ...function body... return # TRUE or FALSE So when I pass TZ identifier using timezoneId string in function I need boolean.. all timezone identifiers supported by PHP. function createTZlist tza DateTimeZone listAbbreviations tzlist array foreach..
php5.3.3 date.timezone again php.ini directive not taken into account with the date.timezone within php.ini. I can define the TZ using in the php source code but I'd like to fix that at once.. apache config files whether there would be an interfering TZ env data but none. Don't know what to do more so any hints will..