php Programming Glossary: typeof
JavaScript Ajax request vs jQuery $.ajax formalizeObject obj recursion recursion recursion false if typeof obj 'object' throw new Error 'no object provided' var ret ''.. var ret '' for var i in obj if obj.hasOwnProperty i typeof obj i 'function' continue if recursion ret ' ' i ' ' else.. ' ' i ' ' else ret ret.length 0 ' ' '' i.toString if typeof obj i 'object' ret formalizeObject obj i true continue ret..
PHP expresses two different strings to be the same [duplicate] could use instead of to save one character. For example typeof operator always returns a string so you could just use typeof.. operator always returns a string so you could just use typeof foo 'string' instead of typeof foo 'string' with no harm. share..
Check if jQuery is included in Header (Joomla) with JavaScript and then add it to the head if missing. if typeof jQuery 'undefined' var head document.getElementsByTagName head..
How to Get and display the list of youtube videos using javascript i val body .append div id 'data' ul jffnfjnkj ul div if typeof val.player 'undefined' typeof val.title 'undefined' dataContainer.append.. ul jffnfjnkj ul div if typeof val.player 'undefined' typeof val.title 'undefined' dataContainer.append li a href val.player.default.. #data ul .each function i val if typeof val.player 'undefined' typeof val.title 'undefined' dataContainer.append..
Dynamically filter Wordpress posts with dropdown menu (using php and ajax) position if exists var scroll .urlGetVar 'scroll' if typeof scroll 'undefined' window .scrollTop scroll Prepare the filter..
How to call a PHP function in JavaScript? Microsoft.XMLHTTP catch E xmlhttp false if xmlhttp typeof XMLHttpRequest 'undefined' xmlhttp new XMLHttpRequest return..
reconstruct/get code of php function technicalArticles ALT Reflection In PHP get_class_methods typeof ReflectionFunction thanks Alin Purcaru php reflection share..
Cascade Dropdown List using jQuery/PHP x list.options.add x function initCs path if request typeof XMLHttpRequest 'undefined' request new XMLHttpRequest var country..
Call php function from javascript catch e return false if req return false if typeof success 'function' success function if typeof error 'function'.. false if typeof success 'function' success function if typeof error 'function' error function req.onreadystatechange function..
JavaScript equivalent of PHP's in_array() var length haystack.length for var i 0 i length i if typeof haystack i 'object' if arrayCompare haystack i needle return..