php Programming Glossary: tuple
MySQL/PHP Error:[2002] Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted is closed on the side that is closing the connection the 5 tuple Protocol Local IP Local Port Remote IP Remote Port goes into..
How to overload class constructor within traits in PHP >= 5.4 b c 0 this __swConstruct a b I write a class much like a tuple concept familiar to C# and Python users and use it instead of.. pattern is ofcourse more usefull with a larger amount of tuple's constructor parameters and more classes using the tuple. It.. tuple's constructor parameters and more classes using the tuple. It can be automated further with the use of PHP's dynamic nature...
How to bind an arbitrary number of values to a prepared statement in mysqli? over items executing the prepared statement once for each tuple stmt pdo prepare INSERT INTO test_news article link text_cont.. test_news article link text_cont VALUES foreach items as tuple stmt execute tuple I don't know why you were using array_reverse.. link text_cont VALUES foreach items as tuple stmt execute tuple I don't know why you were using array_reverse at all and I don't..
“Distance” between colours in PHP improve this question Each color is represented as a tuple in the hex code. To determine close matches you need need to.. function colorDiff rgb1 rgb2 do the math on each tuple could use bitwise operates more efeceintly but just do strings..
PHP Traversing Function to turn single array into nested array with children - based on parent id return if is_array outArray return foreach inArray as key tuple if tuple 'parentcat_ID' currentParentId tuple 'children' array.. is_array outArray return foreach inArray as key tuple if tuple 'parentcat_ID' currentParentId tuple 'children' array makeParentChildRelations.. as key tuple if tuple 'parentcat_ID' currentParentId tuple 'children' array makeParentChildRelations inArray tuple 'children'..
Why use bin2hex when inserting binary data from PHP into MySQL? of bin2hex would need to replace each and every byte tuple with a new byte. Since calling mysql_real_escape_string on binary..
How do I add more than one row with Zend_Db? collection. rowset table createRowset foreach appData as tuple row table createRow tuple rowset addRow row rowset save It does.. createRowset foreach appData as tuple row table createRow tuple rowset addRow row rowset save It does make sense to allow an.. since this would be consistent with the usage of passing a tuple to createRow . rowset table createRowset appData pass array..