

php Programming Glossary: tip

Having trouble getting my head around SOAP in PHP


I'm just doing something fundamentally wrong even a small tip to get me in the right direction would be hugely appreciated..

Get variable from PHP file using JQuery/AJAX


rounded div div id chatBottomBar class rounded div class tip div form id loginForm method post action input id name name..

Delivery reports and read receipts in PHP mail


To header. For usage details see RFC 3798 . General tip for stuff like this Use the mail client of your choice to generate..

What security issues should I look out for in PHP


out for. So my question is what are the top security tips that every PHP developer should know. Please keep it to one.. every PHP developer should know. Please keep it to one tip per answer so people can vote up down effectively. php security..

Implementing goMongoDB-like Query expression object evaluation


on multidimensional arrays data without the need for multiple nested loops. If you are not familiar with MongoDb take a.. development of my own class. I appreciate architecture tips related or similar code which may be a good practice example.. SPL. There are two reasons for this calling the class multiple times will give function overhead that can be avoided rewriting..

How do I use shorthand if / else?


br ' 'No br ' What am I doing wrong UPDATE After Brians tip I discovered what went wrong. Echoing test outputs the result...

upload multiple images with jquery ajax and process them with php


multiple images with jquery ajax and process them with php I have.. on how to do this. Also is there a way to do this for multiple img files and chek if the the file actually is a image and.. as the image name instead of using a input textfield. Any tip link or code example would be useful thank you in advance php..

php/timeout/connection to server reset?


reasonable ini_set 'memory_limit' '256M' And as a side tip don't set the execution time to something ludicrous chances..

Using MX records to validate email addresses


to all especially ZoogieZork for the A record fallback tip php email validation mx record share improve this question..

PHP Get File Name Without File Extension


I want the function to return my without the extension. tip the file is not in the server its just name from variable php..

Favourite Kohana Tips & Features? [closed]


I'm interested in hearing about the lesser known Kohana tips tricks and features. Please include only one tip per answer... Kohana tips tricks and features. Please include only one tip per answer. Add Kohana versions if necessary. This is a community..

Submit form without page reloading


on the page where ads are showed I am creating a Send a tip to a friend form... So anybody who wants can send a tip of the.. a tip to a friend form... So anybody who wants can send a tip of the ad to some friends email adress. I am guessing the form.. the form must be submitted to a php page right form name 'tip' method 'post' action 'tip.php' Tip somebody input name tip_email..

What are the disadvantages of using persistent connection in PDO


or roll back when it should not have. This is only the tip of the iceberg. It can all be mitigated to an extent by always..

Updating XML node with PHP


your example xml holds the root node info . Here's a great tip always name the variable that holds your XML document after..

Security of strip_tags() and mysqli_real_escape_string()


learn enough to create the simple pages needed. One of the tips the students assistants have given is to use the two functions.. to search through hundreds of echo statements across multiple pages. However these two suggestions really only touch the.. pages. However these two suggestions really only touch the tip of the iceberg when it comes to PHP security. There are a number..

someone explain spl_autoload, __autoload and spl_autoload_register?


files on each page but recently I have seen there are a tip on __autoload manual spl_autoload_register provides a more flexible.. question spl_autoload_register allows you to register multiple functions or static methods from your own Autoload class that.. spl_autoload_register also allows you to register multiple autoload functions to speed up autoloading and make it even..

URL in ajax request in PHP MVC framework, don't know how?


jQuery. I wasted many hours searching for any useful tip on the internet and trying to resolve this problem by myself..

Service Applications and Google Analytics API V3: Server-to-server OAuth2 authentication?


the source w svn. Rock 'n' roll thanks @Terry Seidler for tip on updated class names api dependencies require_once PATH_TO_API..

How does RecursiveIteratorIterator work in PHP?


to have this type of traversal iteration with foreach . Tip You probably didn't implement the one nor the other your own..

How to include CSS file in Symfony 2 and Twig?


should look like asset 'bundles webshome css main.css' Tip you also can call assets install with symlink key so it will..

Environment driven database settings in Laravel?


3.2.12 build of Laravel and it definitely works. Bonus Tip You can also automatically set an environment for Artisan so..

Submit form without page reloading


page right form name 'tip' method 'post' action 'tip.php' Tip somebody input name tip_email type text size 30 onfocus tip_div.. tip_div 1 onblur tip_div 2 input type submit value Skicka Tips input type hidden name ad_id form When submitting the form..

Stop people uploading malicious PHP files via forms


being able to upload malicious php files big security risk Tip of the iceberg i also need to be aware of people changing the..

Unable to parse xml data with colon (:) from response using getNamespaces()


elements in the head section are not closed. See Demo . Tip Always activate error logging and reporting check for warnings..

Generating and reading barcode


it to package_id name status 1234 My Package delivered A Tip If you use a QR Code it can be read by many mobile phones so..

Setting a global variable in Magento, the GUI way?


Stackoverflow_Customconfig modules config Random Magento Tip There are parts of the magento system that consider whitespace..