php Programming Glossary: time_zone
Having Timezone problems with PHP and MySQL defaultTimeZone db query SET SESSION time_zone ' . defaultTimeZone. ' So my problem is this... whenever someone.. DATETIME to know that one translates and honors the MySQL time_zone session variable the other doesn't. mysql SET SESSION time_zone.. session variable the other doesn't. mysql SET SESSION time_zone 'America New_York' Query OK 0 rows affected 0.00 sec mysql create..
jQuery Mobile: Sending data from one page to the another PHP Version 5.3.10 SET SQL_MODE NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO SET time_zone 00 00 40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT @@CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT..
MySQL server has gone away - in exactly 60 seconds storage_engine InnoDB sync_binlog 0 sync_frm ON system_time_zone Eastern Daylight Time table_definition_cache 256 table_lock_wait_timeout.. per connection thread_stack 196608 time_format H i s time_zone SYSTEM timed_mutexes OFF timestamp 1256827484 tmp_table_size..
How do I get the current time zone of MySQL? This doesn't output any valid info mysql SELECT @@global.time_zone @@session.time_zone @@global.time_zone @@session.time_zone.. any valid info mysql SELECT @@global.time_zone @@session.time_zone @@global.time_zone @@session.time_zone SYSTEM SYSTEM .. SELECT @@global.time_zone @@session.time_zone @@global.time_zone @@session.time_zone SYSTEM SYSTEM Or maybe MySQL itself..
Twitter timezone & created_at (utc time) values to calculate what time zone the user is in trying to estimate a twitter user's location based on the time_zone or created_at value in a given tweet object. However it seems.. example tweet created_at Thu Jun 02 14 41 24 0000 2011 time_zone null OR created_at Sun Jan 09 05 03 52 0000 2011 time_zone Mountain.. time_zone null OR created_at Sun Jan 09 05 03 52 0000 2011 time_zone Mountain Time US Canada Both of these times aren't in UTC time..
How to correctly set mysql timezone this line which sets the timezone mysql_query SET SESSION time_zone ' offset' Offset is properly calculated no worries about that.. each of your client programs by executing SELECT @@global.time_zone @@session.time_zone The global time zone will always be the.. programs by executing SELECT @@global.time_zone @@session.time_zone The global time zone will always be the same. But the session..
How common are TIMESTAMPS over DATETIME fields? run the following when a database connection is made SET time_zone 'the users timezone' eg. America Los_Angelos . Considering this..