php Programming Glossary: terminate
Stop script execution upon notice/warning handling strategy set_exception_handler to gracefully terminate in production environments. Note that the above example will..
How to properly set up a PDO connection write some details to an error log outside public_html die terminate connection public function dbh return this dbh # put database..
Does php execution stop after a user leaves the page? to say the answer to your question is Yes the script will terminate if the user leaves the page . However realize that depending..
If you flush the content (ob_flush) of an AJAX request, the content will get loaded? backend the script use ob_flush to send the header but not terminate the request until it's terminated with exit or ob_flush_end.. send the header but not terminate the request until it's terminated with exit or ob_flush_end The content will be loaded into the.. will be loaded into the #result only when the request terminate exit or ob_flush_end or it'll be loaded every time the script..
Google Chrome and Streaming HTTP connections? sleep 5 It seems that it's waiting for the connection to terminate before doing anything. Other than polling how can I do a similar..
Strict mode in PHP? script If you are really serious and want your script to terminate instead of just outputting a notice when encountering an undeclared.. PHP error handler php error_reporting E_STRICT function terminate_missing_variables errno errstr errfile errline if errno E_NOTICE.. handle all the rest old_error_handler set_error_handler terminate_missing_variables echo test Will throw custom error xxxx Will..
PHP - exit or return which is better? your file is called through include or require . exit will terminate the program while return will take the control back to the calling..
In PHP, what does “<<<” represent? heredoc string by putting plus a token of your choice and terminate it by putting only the token and nothing else on a new line...
Limit download speed using PHP another chunk and pause again. But PHP will automatically terminate a script if it's been running for a minute or more. When that.. can use set_time_limit to prevent your script from being terminated but some web hosts will not allow you to do this. In that case..
How does PHP max_execution_time work? or not. So in the first and second case the script will terminate with a timeout error because that's the defined behaviour of..
Killing processes opened with popen()? running process with popen . For debugging I'd like to terminate the process before it has completed. Calling pclose just blocks..
Truly destroying a PHP Session? In the most simple of cases would this sufficient to truly terminate the session between the user and the server Nicholas php session..
How do I get WKHTMLTOPDF to execute via PHP? 'WKPDF didn't return any data. pre Loading pages 1 6 0 10 terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std bad_alloc' what std..
php return 500 error but no error log even disable error reporting for critical errors that will terminate script execution. Among other things this means that if you..
Headers already sent by PHP Intentional output from print and echo statements will terminate the opportunity to send HTTP headers. The application flow must.. or raw text got written out. The PHP end tag does not terminate script executation at this point. Any characters after it will..
Errors regarding Web Crawler in PHP running the script in the browser causes the script to terminate. But if I set the limit of crawling child Links to 10 or something..
Creating a PHP Online Grading System on Linux: exec Behavior, Process IDs, and grep I just came up with this code that will run a process and terminate it if it runs longer than timeout seconds. If it terminates.. terminate it if it runs longer than timeout seconds. If it terminates before the timeout it will have the program output in output.. 'echo Hello sleep 30' the command to execute timeout 5 terminate process if it goes longer than this time in seconds cwd ' tmp'..