php Programming Glossary: system
Simplest PHP example for retrieving user_timeline with Twitter API version 1.1 string output curl_exec ch Close curl resource to free up system resources curl_close ch if output tweets json_decode output..
How to extract img src, title and alt from html using php? so you may wan to cache this page. If you have no cache system you can tweak your own by using ob_start and loading saving..
Are global variables in PHP considered bad practice? If so, why? way. I generally have a variable that contains the system configuration and when I nead to access this variable in a function..
How do you implement a good profanity filter? [closed] some good methods for catching folks trying to trick the system like a azz or a55 Bonus points if you offer solutions for PHP... up your fluffy white bunny. Bottom line Ultimately for any system that you implement there is absolutely no substitute for human.. you absolutely must have a non algorithm based approach. A system that removes anonymity and introduces accountability something..
How should I choose an authentication library for CodeIgniter? support reCAPTCHA supported Hooks into CI's validation system Activation emails Login with email username or both configurable.. support reCAPTCHA supported Hooks into CI's validation system Activation emails Unactivated accounts auto expire Suggests.. as unsafe as storing passwords in cleartext Role system is a complete mess is_admin function with hard coded role names..
Secure hash and salt for PHP passwords I'm using PHP. I want a safe and fast password encryption system. Hashing a password a million times may be safer but also slower... to give you enough time to change all the passwords in the system. If your database is compromised you will need enough time to.. compromised you will need enough time to at least lock the system down if not change every password in the database. Jeremiah..
MySQL and NoSQL: Help me to choose the right one how to exploit mysql index optimizations then design your system something along the lines of the following simplified example.. a loaded approx. 500 million rows half as many as your system . When the load process is complete I should expect to have..
Able to see a variable in print_r()'s output, but not sure how to access it in code 'und' 0 'filename' But I can not validate that here on my system in full. However when finding things out it's helpful to make..
Remove index.php?route=common/home from OpenCart have User SEO URL's set to Yes in OpenCart Admin. System Settings Store Server User SEO URL's So far all tags and SEO..
Easiest way to activate PHP and MySQL on Mac OS 10.6 (Snow Leopard), 10.7 (Lion), 10.8 (Mountain Lion)? Using the pref pane start MySQL. In the Sharing System Pref turn on or if it was already on turn off on Web Sharing...
Magento upgrade takes too long and never completes Make sure to configure the required modules in the System Configuration are from the Admin panel. The DB Changes.txt are.. KEY visitor_id ENGINE InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8 COMMENT 'System visitors log' Table structure for table log_visitor_info CREATE..
User recognition without cookies or local storage users 1226894 or http barackobama fref ts System Fonts Detection this is a little known but often unique key.. API and Reverse Geocoding Architecture OS Language System Time Screen Resolution etc. Network Information API Battery.. 35 2 Installed Plugins 25 1 Cached Images 40 3 URL 60 4 System Fonts Detection 70 4 Localstorage 90 8 Geolocation 70 6 AOLTR..
Simplest way to profile a PHP script for home dan testapd.php Total Elapsed Time 0.00 Total System Time 0.00 Total User Time 0.00 Real User System secs cumm Time.. 0.00 Total System Time 0.00 Total User Time 0.00 Real User System secs cumm Time excl cumm excl cumm excl cumm Calls call s call..
Turn database result into array Duration starting 0.000257 Opening tables 0.000028 System lock 0.000009 Table lock 0.000013 init 0.000048 optimizing..
MySQL Binary Storage using BLOB VS OS File System: large files, large quantities, large problems Binary Storage using BLOB VS OS File System large files large quantities large problems Versions I am running.. gives an interface for managing files stored in the File System and converting it to manage files stored in the database. If..
MySQL Query IN() Clause Slow on Indexed Column query cache for query 0.000266 Opening tables 0.000009 System lock 0.000004 Table lock 0.000006 init 0.000115 optimizing..
How to create a simple 'Hello World' module in Magento? it and check our work . In the admin application Go to System Cache Management Select Refresh from the All Cache menu Click.. Now we make sure that Magento knows about the module Go to System Configuration Click Advanced In the Disable modules output setting..
$PATH environment variable for apache2 on mac when I run system 'echo PATH' in PHP it reads the same. System Information Mac OSX Lion Apache 2 running as _www PHP 5.3.6.. ideas SOLUTION So here is the final solution. I edited the System Library LaunchDaemons org.apache.httpd.plist and added key EnvironmentVariables.. question You can set the PATH environment variable in System Library LaunchDaemons org.apache.httpd.plist . More in the docs..
How to get mssql work with PHP 5.3? Restart the Web server. See Also copied from that page System Requirements Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server Getting..
php access network path under windows to which null sessions may connect HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services LanmanServer Parameters Alternatively..
Don't understand the output in XML Entities and PHP SimpleXMLElement 1.0 encoding UTF 8 DOCTYPE config ENTITY totalInstances SYSTEM totalInstances.xml config totalInstances config Here is the..
MySQL server has gone away - in exactly 60 seconds connection thread_stack 196608 time_format H i s time_zone SYSTEM timed_mutexes OFF timestamp 1256827484 tmp_table_size 16777216..
How do I get the current time zone of MySQL? @@global.time_zone @@session.time_zone SYSTEM SYSTEM Or maybe MySQL itself can't know exactly the time_zone.. @@global.time_zone @@session.time_zone SYSTEM SYSTEM Or maybe MySQL itself can't know exactly the time_zone used.. involve PHP here as long as I can get valid info not like SYSTEM ... php mysql timezone share improve this question From..
PHP simplexml: why does xpath stop working? this... xml version 1.0 encoding iso 8859 1 DOCTYPE NewsML SYSTEM http dl.php fn NewsML 1.2 specification NewsML_1.2.dtd.. fn NewsML 1.2 specification NewsML_1.2.dtd ENTITY nitf SYSTEM http IPTC NITF 3.4 specification dtd nitf 3 4.dtd..
Print directly to network printer using php In windows your php scripts would run under the user SYSTEM. Because of security concerns all network resources are not.. security concerns all network resources are not visible to SYSTEM. To resolve this problem create a new user with admin privileges.. on properties. Under the LOGIN tab change the user from SYSTEM to your newly created user account. Restart Apache. You should..
Making a global variable accessible for every function inside a class class I have a variable on the global scope that is named SYSTEM where SYSTEM is a defined constant. I've got a lot of classes.. a variable on the global scope that is named SYSTEM where SYSTEM is a defined constant. I've got a lot of classes with functions.. this variable and I'm finding it annoying declaring global SYSTEM every single time. I tried declaring a class variable public..
Setting a PHP script as a Windows Service . Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services THENAMEOFYOURSERVICE DependOnService..