php Programming Glossary: subdirectory
How does RecursiveIteratorIterator work in PHP? mode will be changed to take the parent element the subdirectory first SELF_FIRST before the children the files and sub subdirs.. before the children the files and sub subdirs in the subdirectory dir new RecursiveDirectoryIterator path RecursiveDirectoryIterator.. files getDepth echo indent file n The output now shows the subdirectory entries properly listed if you compare with the previous output..
Symfony2: How to deploy in subdirectory (Apache) How to deploy in subdirectory Apache What is the best way to deploy symfony2 application.. What is the best way to deploy symfony2 application in a subdirectory or an alias Lets say that my application will run under http..
PHP Application URL Routing urldecode substr _SERVER REQUEST_URI 12 the 12 strips the subdirectory my app is running in Route process index array #^api related..
PHP - Deleting Directory Contents & SubDirectory Contents up some PHP to delete a directory it's contents and any subdirectory and its contents... I'm new to PHP so I'm most definitely doing..
how to make thumbnails with php The following code will create a thumbnail file in a subdirectory called ~tmb for a JPEG PNG and GIF file invalid true if file..
Performance-oriented way to protect files on PHP level? let's call it myproject assets on a per page basis 1 subdirectory 1 page e.g. myproject assets page19283 The user can un publish..
How can I find an application's base url? config.php in the base of my application if a file in a subdirectory includes it knows what to prefix a url with. application config.php..
How to install Zend Framework on Windows Zend Framework under C zf you should add its library subdirectory to your PHP INCLUDE_PATH . Ensure library is on include_path..
Sanitize file path in PHP can then ensure that path is under a certain subdirectory that you want to allow downloads from. share improve this answer..
Codeigniter Routes regex - using dashes in controller/method names 1 It is used so that one can make use of multi level subdirectory inside controllers directory whereas normally we can use single.. directory whereas normally we can use single level subdirectory inside controllers folder and can call it in url. One can remove..
PHP Get all subdirectories of a given directory and then use each directory in a function php list get subdirectory share improve this question you can use glob with GLOB_ONLYDIR..
php html create link from text works find with a domain only not when there is a page or subdirectory is within that link. Can you provide a solution for that function..
Creating a PHP Online Grading System on Linux: exec Behavior, Process IDs, and grep a Java program and that is located in a subdirectory. I now have ... dir . sub or some other subdirectory this may.. in a subdirectory. I now have ... dir . sub or some other subdirectory this may be an absolute path start_time microtime true to get..
Path of assets in CSS files in Symfony2 no solution as the app should and has to be working in a subdirectory too. Second Solution Use Assetic with filter cssrewrite . So.. tests. Additionally all this has been tested working in a subdirectory so no way to fool by giving absolute URLs because they would..