php Programming Glossary: subfolders
How can I turn on PHP errors display on just a subfolder I get errors to just show up in that one folder and its subfolders php share improve this question In .htaccess php_value..
How does RecursiveIteratorIterator work in PHP? directory listing the recursive iterator traverses through subfolders as well and list all folders and files a directory listing with..
Deny direct access to all .php files except index.php I want to deny access to all .php files in myfolder and subfolders to that folder. php .htaccess share improve this question..
Return files tree from FTP Get a recursive listing of all files in all subfolders given an ftp handle and path @param resource ftpConnection the..
Remove empty subfolders with PHP empty subfolders with PHP I am working on a PHP function that will recursively.. Array . .. 0 Cycles thorugh the subfolders of from_path and returns true if at least one empty folder has..
Image upload storage strategies EDIT Creating username or more specifically userid subfolders would seem to be a good solution. With a bit more digging I've..
Why this code is not working on linux server? fname basename file Check if the file exists Check in subfolders too function find_file dirname fname file_path dir opendir.. return find_file get full file path including subfolders file_path '' find_file BASE_DIR fname file_path if is_file file_path..
PHP: scandir() is too slow is too slow I have to make a function that lists all subfolders into a folder. I have a no file filter but the function uses..
How can I set a cookie and then redirect in PHP? share improve this question If you have human urls or subfolders like path1 path2 then you must set cookie path..
Find extra space / new line after a closing ?> (php tag) rMl ' s n z' This will match all files in the folder and subfolders the r part using PCRE multiline match the M part and only list..
Listing all the folders subfolders and files in a directory using php all the folders subfolders and files in a directory using php Please give me a solution.. php Please give me a solution for listing all the folders subfolders files in a directory using php.My folder structure is like this..
.htaccess deny files in subfolders deny files in subfolders I want to block access to sub folder index.php but not index.php..