php Programming Glossary: swift_message
PHP Fatal error: 'Swift_TransportException' with message 'Failed to authenticate on SMTP server home TestMail testmail.php 73 Swift_Mailer send Object Swift_Message thrown in home TestMail SwiftMail lib classes Swift Transport.. htmlbody 'some html here' Create a message message Swift_Message newInstance 'without head' setFrom array ' from email ' ' some..
Batch Send Email with SwiftMailer registerPlugin new Swift_Plugins_AntiFloodPlugin 9 message Swift_Message newInstance setSubject 'Let 's get together today.' setFrom.. question right but here is a way of doing it php message Swift_Message newInstance setSubject 'Let 's get together today.' setFrom..
Using php's swiftmailer with gmail 40 br ' mailer Swift_Mailer newInstance transport message Swift_Message newInstance 'Wonderful Subject' setFrom array ''..
trying to send mail using swift mailer, gmail smtp, php 'pass' mailer Swift_Mailer newInstance transport message Swift_Message newInstance 'Wonderful Subject' setFrom array '' 'MY.. public_html sgmail.php 16 Swift_Mailer send Object Swift_Message #4 main thrown in home sitenyou public_html Swift lib classes..