php Programming Glossary: strtr
How do I remove accents from characters in a PHP string? symbols to 'a'. In fact the PHP documentation for strtr offers a sample for removing accents the ugly way http
How to encrypt/decrypt data in php? 18 salt sprintf ' 2y 02d s' 13 2^n cost factor substr strtr base64_encode random ' ' '.' 0 22 hash crypt password salt The.. blob of data which is then run through base64_encode and strtr to match the required alphabet of A Za z0 9 . . The crypt function..
PHP: Replace umlauts with closest 7-bit ASCII equivalent in an UTF-8 string I tried to do was to utf8_decode the string and then use strtr on it but since my source file is saved as UTF 8 file I can't.. be a better way than to have another required include echo strtr utf8_decode input ' Žš žŸ¥µ áâãäåæçèéêëìÃîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýÿ'.. one character ASCII aequivalent. php utf 8 diacritics strtr share improve this question iconv utf 8 ascii TRANSLIT input..
How to decode Unicode escape sequences like “\u00ed” to proper UTF-8 encoded characters? style preg_replace_callback ' u 0 9a fA Z 4 ' function v v strtr v 0 array ' u' '' return mb_convert_encoding pack 'H ' v 'UTF..
Remove accents without using iconv 130 .chr 172 'E' GBP Pound Sign chr 194 .chr 163 '' string strtr string chars else Assume ISO 8859 1 if not UTF 8 chars 'in'.. string strtr string chars 'in' chars 'out' double_chars 'in' array chr 140..
Remove diacritics from a string 130 .chr 172 'E' GBP Pound Sign chr 194 .chr 163 '' string strtr string chars else Assume ISO 8859 1 if not UTF 8 chars 'in'.. string strtr string chars 'in' chars 'out' double_chars 'in' array chr 140..
converting a number base 10 to base 62 (a-zA-Z0-9) function toChars number res base_convert number 10 26 res strtr res '0123456789' 'qrstuvxwyz' return res The base convert translate.. function is easily reversable. function toNum number res strtr number 'qrstuvxwyz' '0123456789' res base_convert number 26..
Automatic clean and SEO friendly URL (slugs) '' ' ' str strtolower str str strtr str before 0 after 0 str preg_replace before 1 after 1 str str..
Seamless way to check if user likes page data function base64_url_decode input return base64_decode strtr input ' _' ' ' UPDATED CODE While the previous code would work...
How can I find out what Page has installed my Facebook App / which page is loading my app
Escape string to use in mail() r '' n '' t '' ' ' '' ' ' '' ' ' '' ' ' '' return strtr email rule function _filterName name rule array r '' n '' .. r '' n '' t '' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' return trim strtr name rule function _filterOther data rule array r '' n '' ..
how to implement a decorator in PHP? text this text text public function __toString return strtr this text __toString 'eilto' '31170' text new LeetText new Text..