php Programming Glossary: str_ireplace
PHP DOMDocument how to get element? any empty elements are expanded collapse them again html str_ireplace selfclosingelements ' ' html return html However note that what..
PHP swear word filter be replaced with words etc. My first tought was to use str_ireplace but it forgets if the original word had a capital letter. The..
Highlight text, except html tags code below to highlight some keywords in a text message str_ireplace words ' span class hightlighted_text '. words.' span ' message..
str_replace within certain html tags only p h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 EDIT The bit of code that matters yay str_ireplace find replace html cheers and thanks in advance for any answers...
Regex / DOMDocument - match and replace text not in a link xpath query ' text not ancestor a ' as node replaced str_ireplace 'match this text' 'MATCH' node wholeText newNode dom createDocumentFragment..
Highlight keywords in a paragraph regex match stub preg_replace regex ' 1 3 4' stub stub str_ireplace keyword replace stub results stub results array_unique results..
Converting <br /> into a new line for use in a text area Hello again again br Goodbye BR breaks array br br br text str_ireplace breaks r n text textarea echo text textarea share improve..