php Programming Glossary: strstr
How can I check if a word is contained in another string using PHP? If you need to do something with the result you may prefer strstr or preg_match . If you need to use a complex pattern instead.. insensitive if strpos haystack needle false echo Found strstr and stristr method stristr is case insensitive if strstr haystack.. strstr and stristr method stristr is case insensitive if strstr haystack needle echo Found preg_match method regular expressions..
How to decode a JSON string in PHP? far I tried this but it's not working results json_decode strstr address ' addresses address ' true _SESSION 'address1' results..
Strict mode in PHP? errno errstr errfile errline if errno E_NOTICE and strstr errstr Undefined variable die errstr in errfile line errline..
Convert/cast an stdClass object to another class unserialize sprintf 'O d s s' strlen className className strstr serialize array ' ' which pseudocasts an array to an object.. unserialize sprintf 'O d s s' strlen className className strstr strstr serialize instance ' ' ' ' share improve this answer..
How can I find the Largest Common Substring between two strings in PHP? problem In PHP I can find a needle in a haystack php if strstr there is a needle in a haystack needle echo found br n I guess..
Best way to implement Single-Sign-On with all major providers? this baseurl. _SERVER 'REQUEST_URI' redirecturl strstr redirecturl ' code' true redirecturl urlencode redirecturl ..
Sending a 404 error in PHP a 404 error in PHP if strstr _SERVER 'REQUEST_URI' 'index.php' header 'HTTP 1.0 404 Not Found'..
PHP explode and array index other arguments. You may also consider using str_pos and strstr instead a substr str 0 strpos str 's' Any of these choices will..
Declaration to make PHP script completely Unicode-friendly eg Collator sort for sort . All byte functions eg strlen strstr strpos and substr work like the corresponding character functions.. like the corresponding character functions eg mb_strlen mb_strstr mb_strpos and mb_substr . All regexes and regexy functions transparently.. become grapheme functions eg grapheme_strlen grapheme_strstr grapheme_strpos and grapheme_substr and the regex stuff works..
Check String and User Agent This is what i do to check out that stuff if strlen strstr _SERVER 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' Firefox 0 if not firefox do something.. u_agent _SERVER 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' ub '' if strlen strstr u_agent Firefox 0 ub 'firefox' else ub 'other' return ub if..
how to detect search engine bots with php? 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' to check if the agent is said spider. if strstr strtolower _SERVER 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' googlebot what to do ..
Solving “MySQL server has gone away” errors connection catch Exception e msg e getMessage if strstr msg 'MySQL server has gone away' this dbPool close 'write_conn'..