php Programming Glossary: scales
mysql_connect VS mysql_pconnect when connecting to a database via PHP I read that pconnect scales much better but on the other hand being a persistent connection.....
Is CodeIgniter's ActiveRecord resource intensive? so I don ™t want to use too much so that this application scales in the future. I don ™t mind writing my own queries. So is ActiveRecord..
Should I ping mysql server before each query? if the server is up. As the amount traffic to your website scales up you will be adding a lot of extra overhead to the database...
PHP - Query single value per iteration or fetch all at start and retrieve from array? a function that looks something like this iteration over scales foreach surveyScales as scale surveyItems scale findDependentRowset..
PHP/mySQL - how to fetch nested rows into multidimensinal array way before I loop through it. Let's say I have two tables 'scales' and 'items'. Each item in items belongs to one scale in scales.. and 'items'. Each item in items belongs to one scale in scales and is linked with a foreign key scaleID . I want to fetch all.. in one query such that the first dimension are all the scales with all the columns and nested within all items of one scale..
fopen file locking in PHP (reader/writer type of situation) changes. use memcache. Its very fast when used locally it scales well used by big players. http manual en book.memcache.php..
PHP vs Java performance and scalability comparison [closed] comparison last couple years of how Java performs and scales relative to PHP in a modern web application environment Twitter..
Scaling a chat app - short polling vs. long polling (AJAX, PHP) The entire web is based on polling polling most certainly scales. There's a point where the complexity of alternatives like comet..
How can I change the page URL without refreshing the page? on older browsers. dojo toolkit Dojo saves you time and scales with your development process using web standards as its platform...
PHP uploading images in the correct dimensions makes the image size small in the correct ratio. its jus scales down the picture but we can know that the image is very widthy..
Key groups with APC cache that performs the operations you seek efficiently . This scales linearly with the number of entries in your sub cache but because..
Store all data changes with every details (like Stackoverflow) [closed] when adding fields to a table or creating a new table. it scales transparently. Merits bad practice using a simple value key..