php Programming Glossary: research
How to evaluate formula passed as string in PHP? it is values fetched from image EXIF data. After little research I found two way of doing it. first using eval function calculator1..
How to encrypt/decrypt data in php? simple encrypt decrypt of data in PHP. I made some online research and some of them were quite confusing at least for me . Here's..
How to eliminate php5 Strict standards errors? in C ... cake cake bootstrap.php on line 49 After some research I've found that some people solve this problem by setting the..
Upload and POST file to PHP page a more easy way to solve this problem like me After some research I found a way to uplaod a file without changing the original..
What do the ENT_HTML5, ENT_HTML401, … modifiers on html_entity_decode do? other don't so in order to respect that they are here. My research htmlentities has the same minimal explanation with no examples..
How to add scraped website data in database? a third party service to do the scraping for you. My own research in this area has turned up very few organisations that appear..
How can I implement OCR on a website using PHP? [closed] From the project site The OCRopus engine is based on two research projects a high performance handwriting recognizer developed..
PHP change the maximum upload file size the max size allowed so I need to increase the size. My research on the web suggested changing the .htaccess file which I do..
Live Video Streaming with PHP the basics maybe it gives you an idea of where you need to research because obviously this won't give you a full video chat inside..
How to make PHP generate Chunked response client... well I've combined the OPs question with some research on PHP.NET and it does look like he was on to a good thing...
Password security: sha1, sha256 or sha512 sha1 usr_password. salt but then after I have done some research on sha1 I learned that it may not be secure in the future suggesting..
MySQL Binary Storage using BLOB VS OS File System: large files, large quantities, large problems ViewNewsItem.aspx NewsItemID 124 . SO after much research I have pretty much decided I am going to store ALL of these..
How to build a RESTful API? server. I'd like to build a REST api for it. I did some research and I figured out that REST api uses HTTP methods GET POST.....
PHP Redirect with POST data Redirect with POST data I did some research on this topic their are some expert said that it is not possible..
Best way to access Exchange using PHP? connect directly to the Exchange server you will need to research extended MAPI. In the past I used this wrapper MAPIEx Extended..
AESCrypt decryption between iOS and PHP Henno has some relevant details. ~~ Did some additional research. The null padding on your key is likely because AES256 requires..
How to properly handle session and access token with Facebook PHP SDK 3.0? seen in this blog post . With that hint and some further research I added the following lines in my bootstrap ini_set 'session.use_trans_sid'..
Prevent sent emails treated as junk mails using php mail function the email but it goes to junk mail. So I went for google research. Is it because of my header script problem If it isn't then..
apc vs eaccelerator vs xcache vs eaccelerator vs xcache Im doing research on which one of these to use and I can't really find one that..
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by ERROR [duplicate] with I just thought it was white space but after further research I think it might be a problem similar to this 'Look for any..