php Programming Glossary: request_filename
How to: URL re-writing in PHP? that exist to be displayed directly RewriteCond REQUEST_FILENAME f RewriteCond REQUEST_FILENAME d # Rewrite all other URLs to.. directly RewriteCond REQUEST_FILENAME f RewriteCond REQUEST_FILENAME d # Rewrite all other URLs to index.php RewriteRule . index.php..
How to load classes based on pretty URLs in MVC-like page? Options FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine On RewriteCond REQUEST_FILENAME d RewriteCond REQUEST_FILENAME f RewriteCond REQUEST_FILENAME.. On RewriteCond REQUEST_FILENAME d RewriteCond REQUEST_FILENAME f RewriteCond REQUEST_FILENAME l RewriteRule ^ . index.php url.. d RewriteCond REQUEST_FILENAME f RewriteCond REQUEST_FILENAME l RewriteRule ^ . index.php url 1 QSA L php .htaccess url routing..
How can I create friendly URLs with .htaccess? this IfModule mod_rewrite.c RewriteEngine On RewriteCond REQUEST_FILENAME f RewriteRule ^ ^ ^ ^ index.php ctrl 1 id 2 tab 3 QSA L IfModule.. tried IfModule mod_rewrite.c RewriteEngine On RewriteCond REQUEST_FILENAME f RewriteRule ^ ^ d ^ index.php ctrl 1 id 2 tab 3 QSA L RewriteRule.. this IfModule mod_rewrite.c RewriteEngine On RewriteCond REQUEST_FILENAME f RewriteRule ^ . index.php url 1 QSA L IfModule Then in your..
.htaccess - Is it possible to redirect post data? if they exist please otherwise send to index RewriteCond REQUEST_FILENAME d RewriteCond REQUEST_FILENAME f RewriteRule . index.php php.. send to index RewriteCond REQUEST_FILENAME d RewriteCond REQUEST_FILENAME f RewriteRule . index.php php apache .htaccess share improve..
php : SEO friendly urls is enabled RewriteEngine On RewriteBase RewriteCond REQUEST_FILENAME f RewriteCond REQUEST_FILENAME d RewriteRule . index.php page.. On RewriteBase RewriteCond REQUEST_FILENAME f RewriteCond REQUEST_FILENAME d RewriteRule . index.php page 1 L These rules match any URL..
Remove index.php From URL - Codeigniter 2 ^application. RewriteRule ^ . index.php 1 L RewriteCond REQUEST_FILENAME f RewriteCond REQUEST_FILENAME d RewriteRule ^ . index.php 1.. . index.php 1 L RewriteCond REQUEST_FILENAME f RewriteCond REQUEST_FILENAME d RewriteRule ^ . index.php 1 L IfModule and IfModule mod_rewrite.c..
CodeIgniter PHP Apache 500 Internal Server Error ^system. RewriteRule ^ . index.php 1 L RewriteCond REQUEST_FILENAME f RewriteCond REQUEST_FILENAME d RewriteRule ^ . index.php 1.. . index.php 1 L RewriteCond REQUEST_FILENAME f RewriteCond REQUEST_FILENAME d RewriteRule ^ . index.php 1 L please help me php apache .htaccess.. 1 ^ index .php robots .txt favicon .ico RewriteCond REQUEST_FILENAME f RewriteCond REQUEST_FILENAME d RewriteRule ^ . . index.php..
hide .php extension - htaccess [duplicate] On # Unless directory remove trailing slash RewriteCond REQUEST_FILENAME d RewriteRule ^ ^ http folder 1 R 301 L # Redirect..
Remove index.php in codeigniter 2.1.0 isn't true it sends the #request to index.php RewriteCond REQUEST_FILENAME f RewriteCond REQUEST_FILENAME d RewriteRule ^ . index.php 1.. to index.php RewriteCond REQUEST_FILENAME f RewriteCond REQUEST_FILENAME d RewriteRule ^ . index.php 1 L IfModule IfModule mod_rewrite.c..