php Programming Glossary: redirect_url
Form that makes browser redirect when accessed by either a regular form submit or an Ajax request - is this possible? 'XMLHttpRequest' header 'Content Location ' . redirect_url else header 'Location ' . redirect_url You still need to special.. Location ' . redirect_url else header 'Location ' . redirect_url You still need to special case your client side code .ajax ..... your client side code .ajax ... complete function xhr var redirect_url xhr.getResponseHeader Content Location if redirect_url window.location..
Twitter API 1.1 issues [duplicate] 1 starttransfer_time 0 redirect_time 0 certinfo Array redirect_url error error setting certificate verify locations CAfile home..
How to get final URL after following HTTP redirections in pure PHP? php http http headers share improve this question get_redirect_url Gets the address that the provided URL redirects to or FALSE.. no redirect. @param string url @return string function get_redirect_url url redirect_url null url_parts @parse_url url if url_parts.. string url @return string function get_redirect_url url redirect_url null url_parts @parse_url url if url_parts return false if isset..
Access Exchange Web Services with PHP and cURL
suddenly, getUser became to return 0.(PHP 3.1.1 SDK) have not changed my code. There is another strange point. redirect_url contains sate 9b1772342342... code 9b177asd2l.. base_domain..
Post on someones wall using Facebook API PHP https dialog oauth client_id Your API KEY redirect_url Service that will handle Authentication scope Permissions you.. you got from Facebook when you created your application. redirect_url This is the service that will handle all of your authentication... request or fails to log in they will be directed to the redirect_url that you specified above. Depending on the user's action on..