php Programming Glossary: reflector
Get child class namespace from superclass in PHP can use reflection to get the namespace name of a class reflector new ReflectionClass 'A Foo' class Foo of namespace A var_dump.. ReflectionClass 'A Foo' class Foo of namespace A var_dump reflector getNamespaceName See the PHP manual for more unfinished documentation...
Finding the PHP File (at run time) where a Class was Defined getFileName Gets a filename Example class Foo reflector new ReflectionClass 'Foo' echo reflector getFileName This will.. Example class Foo reflector new ReflectionClass 'Foo' echo reflector getFileName This will return false when the filename cannot..
Are there any PHP DocBlock parser tools available? This is an example function public function fn void reflector new ReflectionClass 'Example' to get the Class DocBlock echo.. ReflectionClass 'Example' to get the Class DocBlock echo reflector getDocComment to get the Method DocBlock reflector getMethod.. echo reflector getDocComment to get the Method DocBlock reflector getMethod 'fn' getDocComment See this tutorial http
Call private methods and private properties from outside a class in PHP private function open return 'how did you get in here ' reflector new ReflectionClass 'LockedGate' reflector getMethod 'open'.. get in here ' reflector new ReflectionClass 'LockedGate' reflector getMethod 'open' setAccessible true unlockedGate reflector newInstance.. reflector getMethod 'open' setAccessible true unlockedGate reflector newInstance echo unlockedGate open share improve this answer..
Pass arguments from array in php to constructor [duplicate] Creates a new class instance from given arguments. Example reflector new ReflectionClass 'Foo' foo reflector newInstanceArgs array.. arguments. Example reflector new ReflectionClass 'Foo' foo reflector newInstanceArgs array 'foo' 'bar' share improve this answer..
Get only declared methods of a class in PHP with ReflectionClass function getDeclaredMethods className reflector new ReflectionClass className methodNames array lowerClassName.. array lowerClassName strtolower className foreach reflector getMethods ReflectionMethod IS_PUBLIC as method if strtolower..
Mocking concrete method in abstract class using phpunit class autoload interface_exists class autoload reflector new ReflectionClass class foreach reflector getMethods as method.. class autoload reflector new ReflectionClass class foreach reflector getMethods as method if method isAbstract methods method getName..