php Programming Glossary: quoting
When to use single quotes, double quotes, and backticks? as column or table identifiers when possible avoiding the quoting issue. Single quotes should be used for string values like in.. are reserved words or make use of characters requiring quoting but I've quoted them anyway with backticks more on this later..... Backtick table column Variable interpolation The quoting patterns for variables do not change although if you intend..
How to replace Microsoft-encoded quotes in PHP link Convert Smart Quotes with PHP And the associated code quoting that page function convert_smart_quotes string search array..
are arrays in php passed by value or by reference? question see the array page of the manual which states quoting Array assignment always involves value copying. Use the reference..
browscap ini directive not set at the bottom of the manual page for get_browser that says quoting Note In order for this to work your browscap configuration setting..
Do I need a trailing semicolon here? page that answers your question Instruction separation quoting emphasis mine As in C or Perl PHP requires instructions to be..
Does static method in PHP have any difference with non-static method? note that your example should get you a strict warning quoting Calling non static methods statically generates an E_STRICT..
How to post data in PHP using file_get_contents? given in the PHP manual at this page HTTP context options quoting postdata http_build_query array 'var1' 'some content' 'var2'..
PHP PDO - Num Rows is a PDOStatement rowCount method but it shouldn't be used quoting For most databases PDOStatement rowCount does not return the..
Remove all attributes from an html tag # Match ' ' i # End Pattern Case Insensitive Add some quoting and use the replacement text 1 2 it should strip any text after..
str_replace() on multibyte strings dangerous? it seems like you are really handicapped. What replace and quoting functions are available in that case php multibyte share..
When *not* to use prepared statements? used pseudo prepared statements PHP functions which did quoting and parameter replacement to prevent injection attacks and to..
Are PHP functions case sensitive? case sensitive share improve this question I am quoting from this Note Function names are case insensitive though it..
What is the advantage of using Heredoc in PHP ? [closed] me are really useful for multi line strings and avoiding quoting issues. Back in the day I used to use them to construct sql..
Solution for “Fatal error: Maximum function nesting level of '100' reached, aborting!” in PHP calls limit but this is not working in my case. I am quoting one of the answers from the link mentioned above. Please do..
avoiding MySQL injections with the Zend_Db class I wrote a lot of the code for database parameters and quoting in Zend Framework while I was the team lead for the project.. of a Zend_Db_Select object to see how it has decided to do quoting. print select invokes __toString method Also you can use the..
Warning: mysql_result() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given [duplicate] all identifiers or none in your queries preferably all . Quoting only some makes it harder to read. E.g. SELECT `siteTitle` FROM..
MySQL Error “Too many connections” can bo opened to that server by anyone connecting to it . Quoting MySQL's documentation on Too many connections If you get a Too..
Magic __get getter for static properties in PHP share improve this question No it is not possible. Quoting the manual page of __get Member overloading only works in object..
Check to see if a string is serialized? improve this question I'd say try to unserialize it Quoting the manual In case the passed string is not unserializeable..
why ob_start() must come ahead of session_start() to work in PHP? be called before session_start nor the other way arround. Quoting the manual page of session_start though session_start will register..
How to retrieve facebook user's friends email information with facebook php sdk You cannot retrieve the email address of User's Friends. Quoting from Email Permission documentation Note There is no way for..
What's this kind of syntax in PHP? strings on multiple lines with variable interpolation. Quoting the manual page Heredoc text behaves just like a double quoted..
PHP: Is mysql_real_escape_string sufficient for cleaning user input? mysql_real_escape_string versus Prepared Statements Quoting mysql_real_escape_string prone to the same kind of issues affecting..
is it a good practice to use mysql_free_result($result)? Thanks. php mysql share improve this question Quoting the documentation of mysql_free_result mysql_free_result only..
PHP emitting 500 on errors - where is this documented? list that might be related PHP DEV FW php fastcgi Quoting Current time most PHP instalations use setting 'display_error..
MySQL: how to get the difference between two timestamps in seconds the number of seconds since the epoch Source . Quoting the docs When UNIX_TIMESTAMP is used on a TIMESTAMP column the..
Why shouldn't I use PHP's mail() function? mail call. php email share improve this question Quoting Disadvantages of the PHP mail function In some cases mails send..
Is php's 'include' a function or a statement? else care php include share improve this question Quoting from the manual my emphasis Because include is a special language..
I'm getting a “syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE” error. I don't see what I'm doing wrong? syntax error parsererror share improve this question Quoting the manual that page is about static properties but the same..
While making the static class for database getting this error Properties may not be preset with runtime information. Quoting PHP Manual Class member variables are called properties . You..
Merging PHP array, one as Keys the other as Values? The array_combine function should do exactly what you want Quoting its manual page array array_combine array keys array values..
Terminology question on “dereferencing”? the currently last news on PHP 5.4 alpha1 released Quoting that last news Here is an incomplete list of changes Added Traits..
html_entity_decode - character encoding issue 'Stan #146 s' ENT_QUOTES 'cp1252' Stan ™s Quoting Wikipedia Numeric references always refer to Unicode code points..
How to get mssql work with PHP 5.3? 5.3 php sql server dll share improve this question Quoting http manual en intro.mssql.php The MSSQL extension is..