php Programming Glossary: printable
Choosing the right technology/library for adding user specified text on a path in previously defined regions this can be used for shirts mugs...any type of custom printable surfaces. The paths need to support straight lines bezier curves..
PHP: How to remove all non printable characters in a string? How to remove all non printable characters in a string I imagine I need to remove chars 0 31..
PHP imap problems will be a body with it's own sub bodies . The 3D quoted printable and base64 data are because of message body encodings. Have..
Send emails with international accent and special characters body you'll have to encode them. You can choose quoted printable or base64 for this quoted printable is generally smaller and.. You can choose quoted printable or base64 for this quoted printable is generally smaller and more readable for content that has.. text plain charset utf 8 Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable Hello An a acute is C3 A1 The function to encode in this format..
Escaping double quotes in php there a way to automate the process to make the variable printable as a clickable link thus escaping the quotes in my variable..
How do I send emails with Arabic content via PHP's mail function? set Content Transfer Encoding to either base64 or quoted printable and the encode the body with base64_encode or quoted_printable_encode.. and the encode the body with base64_encode or quoted_printable_encode respectively. quoted printable is better if the mail.. or quoted_printable_encode respectively. quoted printable is better if the mail is largely ASCII as it retains readability..
Exotic names for methods, constants, variables and fields - Bug or Feature? names The general guideline here would be to use only printable ASCII characters. The reason is that these identifiers are normalized..
PHP: Prevent XSS with strip_tags()?
How to decode this PHP code? a footer haha. All that bitshifting is done to remove non printable characters which I have substituted with # in the argument string..
PHP email header subject encoding problem need to use the encoded word syntax with either the quoted printable encoding or the Base64 encoding encoded word charset encoding.. encoding encoded text You can use imap_8bit for the quoted printable encoding and base64_encode for the Base64 encoding Subject UTF..
Problem with AES-256 between Java and PHP and storing byte directly but if you must use only printable strings then you should base64 encode decode to do so. As you..
What is the best way to generate a random key within PHP? a reusable function that will generate a random key with printable ACSII characters of chosen length anywhere from 2 to 1000 ... of chosen length anywhere from 2 to 1000 . I'm thinking printable ASCII characters would be 33 126. They key does not need to..
How do I detect non-ASCII characters in a string? have to be part of the ASCII table but it also has to be printable. I want to detect a string that contains at least one character.. that does not meet these specifications either non printable ASCII or a different character altogether such as a Unicode..