

php Programming Glossary: print_r

How to search by key=>value in a multidimensional array in PHP


cat 1 1 array id 2 name cat 2 2 array id 3 name cat 1 print_r search arr 'name' 'cat 1' Output Array 0 Array id 1 name cat..

PHP Sessions across sub domains


session_start print session_id . br _SESSION 'Checked' 1 print_r _SESSION The session IDs are exactly the same but when I dump..

How to upload a file using Java HttpClient library working with PHP - strange problem


attack echo filename ' . _FILES 'userfile' 'tmp_name' . '. print_r _FILES Reading the response I get the following result executing..

Simplest PHP example for retrieving user_timeline with Twitter API version 1.1


tweets json_decode output true foreach tweets as tweet print_r tweet How can I get the user_timeline recent statuses with..

How to extract img src, title and alt from html using php?


it case insensitive preg_match_all ' img ^ i' html result print_r result Array 0 Array 0 img src Content Img stackoverflow logo.. preg_match_all ' alt title src ^ i' img_tag img img_tag print_r img Array img src Content Img stackoverflow logo 250.png width..

PHP PDO bindValue in LIMIT


' max' max PDO PARAM_INT fetchPictures execute or die print_r fetchPictures errorInfo pictures fetchPictures fetchAll PDO..

Upload Photo To Album with Facebook's Graph API


FILE_PATH data facebook api ' me photos' 'post' args print_r data 2 Upload to Target Album This example will upload the photo..

How do I catch a PHP Fatal Error


function format_error errno errstr errfile errline trace print_r debug_backtrace false true content table thead bgcolor '#c8c8c8'..

parse youtube video id using preg_match


v a zA Z0 9 0 9 ^ n v ^ n subject matches print pre print_r matches print pre Cheers php regex parsing youtube share..

How to squeeze error message out of PDO?


PDO ERRMODE_WARNING try sth dbh prepare '@ T ' print_r sth print_r dbh errorInfo catch PDOException e echo e getMessage.. PDO ERRMODE_WARNING try sth dbh prepare '@ T ' print_r sth print_r dbh errorInfo catch PDOException e echo e getMessage giving..

in_array() and multidimensional array


a array Mac NT Irix Linux if in_array Irix a echo Got Irix print_r a but what about an multidimensional array below how can I check.. in the multi array b array array Mac NT array Irix Linux print_r b or I shouldn't be using in_array when comes to the multidimensional..

Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now


brand numRecords execute data con query countQuery or die print_r con error rowcount data num_rows rows getRowsByArticleSearch.. test Auctions last ceil rowcount page_rows else print_r con error foreach rows as row pk row 'ARTICLE_NO' echo ' tr..

Able to see a variable in print_r()'s output, but not sure how to access it in code


to see a variable in print_r 's output but not sure how to access it in code I googled installed..

How to calculate the difference between two dates using PHP?


b result return result date 1986 11 10 19 37 22 print_r _date_diff strtotime date time print_r _date_diff time strtotime..