php Programming Glossary: overridden
Cleaning HTML by removing extra/redundant formatting tags tags that have no effect on the formatting because they're overridden by inner tags I've tried many existing online solutions such..
Is it worth making get and set methods in OOP? message Caveat emptor Since __get and __set are overridden __isset and __unset should be overridden as well Is there any.. and __set are overridden __isset and __unset should be overridden as well Is there any security concerned doing it in this way..
Apache SetEnv prepends REDIRECT_ . What gives? that when it does a redirect so that the value won't be overridden by any new settings with the new URL. share improve this answer..
PHP get_called_class() alternative the parent class' implementation even if the subclass has overridden it. php oop inheritance php 5.2 share improve this question..
PHP: Uploading large files fail
Allowed memory size of X bytes exhausted in effect. It can be either unchanged from the default or overridden in any of the above locations. Also note that PHP generally..
static::staticFunctionName() solves this problem class A static function foo This is overridden in the child class. static function bar static foo class B extends..
Magento: How can I migrate configuration changes from development to production environment? for configuration values in global scope. But it will be overridden by stores and websites if a particular value is for a scope...
General purpose remote data backup and download - including InnoDb support or not. If they are disabled such that they cannot be overridden then the mysqldump based solution given here will not work universally...
Inheritance of static members in PHP attribute is defined in the parent class it cannot be overridden in a child class. But I'm wondering if there's any way around..
PHP not displaying errors even though display_errors = On for all php on your server however these can easilybe overridden and alterd any place in the PHP code and affect everything following..
Enforcing call to parent method to validate are permitted which will in turn call your overridden method. The syntax may be a little off PHP is not my language..
Faking Late Static Binding before php 5.3 call to call another static function inner that has been overridden. I could do this with late static binding but my host does not..
htaccess rule to parse php in html files not working problem The htaccess is in the web root and isn't being overridden by anything else. php .htaccess dreamhost share improve this..
Symfony2 bundle inheritance losing parent bundles routes ONLY the child resource if the parent resource has been overridden. So the solution is to provide the full path of the bundle considering.. as expected all parent routes will be imported and will be overridden by all routes specified in the child bundle. share improve..
Magento Request - Frontend or Backend? of the design package. This seems less likely to be overridden for a page that's in the admin since the area impacts the path..