php Programming Glossary: mysql_result
how to unset cookie in PHP? with the following code. if rememberme on user_id mysql_result query_run 0 'id' setcookie user_id user_id time 7200 _SESSION.. 'home_page.php' else if rememberme echo'ok' user_id mysql_result query_run 0 'id' echo user_id _SESSION 'user_id' user_id..
Warning: mysql_result() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given [duplicate] mysql_result expects parameter 1 to be resource boolean given duplicate .. on to work on it some more today I am getting Warning mysql_result expects parameter 1 to be resource boolean given . I have no.. mysql_select_db dbname con function getSiteTitle siteTitle mysql_result mysql_query SELECT `siteTitle ` FROM siteSettings 0 return siteTitle..
Single Value Mysqli this question The mysql extension could do this using mysql_result but mysqli has no equivalent function as of today afaik. It..
Stream binary file from MySQL to download with PHP ' blockid' query mysql_query sql msa_db result 'filename' mysql_result query 0 0 result 'filedata' mysql_result query 0 1 return result.. result 'filename' mysql_result query 0 0 result 'filedata' mysql_result query 0 1 return result function download fileinfo file base64_decode..
How can I store my users' passwords safely? or password you entered is incorrect. else _SESSION 'id' mysql_result result 0 'id' #header Location . echo Hello _SESSION id php..
How can I store and retrieve images from a MySQL database using PHP?
MySQLi equivalent of mysql_result()? equivalent of mysql_result I'm porting some old PHP code from mysql to MySQLi and I've.. ran into a minor snag. Is there no equivalent to the old mysql_result function I know mysql_result is slower than the other functions.. no equivalent to the old mysql_result function I know mysql_result is slower than the other functions when you're working with..
Get MySQL Query Results as Their Native Data Type? tried fetching MySQL query results using mysql_fetch_row mysql_result and numeric values are being returned as strings. Is there any..
Unable to jump to row 0 on MySQL result index 13 LIKE ' fbFoodPerma' or die mysql_error isStored mysql_result sql 0 fbFoodPerma while isStored fbFoodPerma fbFoodPerma fbFoodPerma... LIKE ' fbFoodPerma' or die mysql_error isStored mysql_result sql 0 fbFoodPerma php mysql share improve this question..
Convert MySQL record set to JSON string in PHP this question This should work function recordSetToJson mysql_result rs array while rs mysql_fetch_assoc mysql_result you donĀ“t really.. mysql_result rs array while rs mysql_fetch_assoc mysql_result you donĀ“t really need to do anything here. return json_encode..
MySQL- Unable to jump to row 0 on MySQL result index following You probably have some code similar to this var mysql_result result 0 'column_name' Where either the query fails or the column.. getting results from the database before trying to call mysql_result . Or better yet using mysql_fetch_array instead of manually..