php Programming Glossary: mysql_affected_rows
row(s) affected in mysql update with PHP a row or not php mysql share improve this question mysql_affected_rows will return the number of rows affected by your update. http..
PHP to delete SQL row with multiple checkboxes sql DELETE FROM tbl_name WHERE id ' val' mysql_query sql i mysql_affected_rows if successful redirect to if result echo meta http equiv refresh..
How can I throttle user login attempts in PHP AS attempted FROM failed_logins' result mysql_query sql if mysql_affected_rows result 0 row mysql_fetch_assoc result latest_attempt int date.. NOW INTERVAL 15 minute ' result mysql_query sql if mysql_affected_rows result 0 get the returned row row mysql_fetch_assoc result failed_attempts..
PHP (MySQL) error : “Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource” [duplicate] mysql_query sql or trigger_error mysql_error . sql count mysql_affected_rows result line 20 if count 1 rows mysql_fetch_array result unique.. else echo Not found your email in our database Warning mysql_affected_rows expects parameter 1 to be resource boolean given in C wamp www..
Checking for valid MySQL result resource if its a valid resource at all. You could also check mysql_affected_rows to try to determine if it's an INSERT UPDATE etc share improve..
Luracast Restler Authentication SET logged NOW WHERE user ' user' AND pass ' pass' echo mysql_affected_rows if mysql_affected_rows 0 self currentUser user return TRUE.. ' user' AND pass ' pass' echo mysql_affected_rows if mysql_affected_rows 0 self currentUser user return TRUE header 'WWW Authenticate..
Adding a database to jquery mobile site output array if the MySQL query returned any results if mysql_affected_rows 0 iterate through the results of your query while row mysql_fetch_assoc..
PHP/mysql get number of affected rows of UPDATE statement rowCount . if you're using the mysql functions there's mysql_affected_rows . EDIT seems like you're using the mysql functions. mysql_num_rows..
When mysql_query returns false out how many rows were returned for a SELECT statement or mysql_affected_rows to find out how many rows were affected by a DELETE INSERT REPLACE..
UPDATE/DELETE in mysql and get the list of affected row ids? of affected row IDs not the # of affected rows via PHP's mysql_affected_rows but the actual row ids that were affected from an UPDATE or..
PHP Code - import xml file from web server (/public_html/ctrackxml) into mysql database br br show updated records printf Records inserted d n mysql_affected_rows close connection mysql_close con2 Thanks as always to everyone.. br br show updated records printf Records inserted d n mysql_affected_rows close connection mysql_close con2 The above code should achieve..
What does a successful MySQL DELETE return? How to check if DELETE was successful?