php Programming Glossary: mysql_num_fields
PHP code to convert a MySQL query to CSV [closed] mysql_query select or die Sql error . mysql_error fields mysql_num_fields export for i 0 i fields i header . mysql_field_name export i..
How to export data to an excel file using PHPExcel column names as names of MySQL fields column 'A' for i 1 i mysql_num_fields result i objPHPExcel getActiveSheet setCellValue column. rowCount.. 2 while row mysql_fetch_row result column 'A' for j 1 j mysql_num_fields result j if isset row j value NULL elseif row j value strip_tags.. column names as names of MySQL fields column 'A' for i 1 i mysql_num_fields result i objPHPExcel getActiveSheet setCellValue column. rowCount..
export query result as CSV through PHP mysql_query query or die Sql error . mysql_error fields mysql_num_fields export for i 0 i fields i header . mysql_field_name export i..
SQL Select * from multiple tables array keys qualifiedColumnNames array for i 0 i mysql_num_fields res i columnMeta mysql_fetch_field res i qualifiedColumnNames..
MySQL to Excel generation using PHP mysql_query select or die Sql error . mysql_error fields mysql_num_fields export for i 0 i fields i header . mysql_field_name export..
PHP Database Dump Script - are there any issues? table result mysql_query 'SELECT FROM '. table num_fields mysql_num_fields result return. 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . table . ' ' createTable..
Why is my database backup script not working in php? table result mysql_query 'SELECT FROM '. table num_fields mysql_num_fields result return. 'DROP TABLE '. table.' ' row2 mysql_fetch_row..
Why does mysql_query() return TRUE with a SELECT statement? 32224 #define PHP_MYSQL_VALID_RESULT mysql mysql_num_fields mysql 0 #else #define PHP_MYSQL_VALID_RESULT mysql mysql_field_count.. a bug. Especially since there's no real way to verify this mysql_num_fields in the PHP code uses the resource that you're not getting not..