

php Programming Glossary: key

Best way to use PHP to encrypt and decrypt passwords? [duplicate]


like bcrypt. Still here is how you would encrypt decrypt key 'password to en de crypt' string ' string to be encrypted '.. iv . mcrypt_encrypt MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256 hash 'sha256' key true string MCRYPT_MODE_CBC iv To Decrypt data base64_decode.. rtrim mcrypt_decrypt MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256 hash 'sha256' key true substr data mcrypt_get_iv_size MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256 MCRYPT_MODE_CBC..

Simplest PHP example for retrieving user_timeline with Twitter API version 1.1


The point is you are going to get yourself a set of unique keys to use for your application. So the point of creating an application.. an application is to give yourself and twitter a set of keys. These are The consumer key The consumer secret The access.. yourself and twitter a set of keys. These are The consumer key The consumer secret The access token The access token secret..

Sort multidimensional array by value (2) [duplicate]


in PHP How can I sort this array by the value of the order key Even though the values are currently sequential they will not.. share improve this question function aasort array key sorter array ret array reset array foreach array as ii va sorter.. ret array reset array foreach array as ii va sorter ii va key asort sorter foreach sorter as ii va ret ii array ii array ret..

Secure hash and salt for PHP passwords


PHP Simple Password Encryption Secure methods of storing keys passwords for asp.net How would you implement salted passwords.. bcrypt when I learned that bcrypt only uses blowfish's key schedule with a variable cost mechanism. The latter lets you.. a password by increasing blowfish's already expensive key schedule. Average practices I almost can't imagine this situation..

How do you use bcrypt for hashing passwords in PHP?


phase of Eksblowfish and Blowfish are exactly the same the key schedule phase of Eksblowfish ensures that any subsequent state.. ensures that any subsequent state depends on both salt and key user password and no state can be precomputed without the knowledge.. precomputed without the knowledge of both. Because of this key difference bcrypt is a one way hashing algorithm. You cannot..

A simple program to CRUD node and node values of xml file


API description . On a sidenote if you really just have key value pairs you could also use a plain old PHP array to store.. could also use a plain old PHP array to store them or a key value store like DBA or even APC and memcached with a long ttl...

How to calculate the difference between two dates using PHP?


false if one two list one two array two one invert true key array y m d h i s a array_combine key array_map intval explode.. two one invert true key array y m d h i s a array_combine key array_map intval explode date Y m d H i s one b array_combine.. intval explode date Y m d H i s one b array_combine key array_map intval explode date Y m d H i s two result array result..

How do I Sort a Multidimensional Array in PHP [duplicate]


array_multisort Try something like this foreach mdarray as key row dates key row 0 of course replace 0 with whatever is the.. Try something like this foreach mdarray as key row dates key row 0 of course replace 0 with whatever is the date field's..

Getting a modified preorder tree traversal model (nested set) into a <ul>



Magento upgrade takes too long and never completes


DEFAULT NULL store_id smallint 5 unsigned NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY log_id KEY IDX_VISITOR visitor_id ENGINE InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET.. store_id smallint 5 unsigned NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY log_id KEY IDX_VISITOR visitor_id ENGINE InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8 COMMENT.. 00 00 00 00 00' deleted_at datetime DEFAULT NULL PRIMARY KEY quote_id ENGINE InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8 COMMENT 'Quote log..

How to 'insert if not exists' in MySQL?


if not exists syntax.html there's also INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE syntax you can find explanations on dev.mysql.com Post.. using INSERT IGNORE REPLACE or INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE. Imagine we have a table CREATE TABLE `transcripts` `ensembl_transcript_id`.. `transcript_chrom_end` int 10 unsigned NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY `ensembl_transcript_id` ENGINE InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET latin1..

json_encode is returning NULL?



PHP Mcrypt - Encrypting / Decrypting file


MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256 const MODE MCRYPT_MODE_CBC const KEY 'somesecretphrase' public function encrypt plaintext td mcrypt_module_open.. td MCRYPT_RAND mcrypt_generic_init td self KEY iv crypttext mcrypt_generic td plaintext mcrypt_generic_deinit.. substr crypttext ivsize if iv mcrypt_generic_init td self KEY iv plaintext mdecrypt_generic td crypttext return trim plaintext..

How to encrypt/decrypt data in php?


are two popular choices available PBKDF2 Password Based Key Derivation Function v2 bcrypt aka Blowfish This answer will..

GCM with PHP (Google Cloud Messaging)


code when you try to send a GCM Generate a Browser API Key from the Google APIs Console and use it instead of the server.. the GCM Documentation that states you should use a Server Key in the Authorization header as written here Replace with real.. here Replace with real BROWSER API key from Google APIs apiKey 123456 Replace with real client registration IDs registrationIDs..

How can an SQL query return data from multiple tables


sec mysql show columns from colors Field Type Null Key Default Extra id int 3 NO PRI NULL auto_increment color.. sec mysql show columns from brands Field Type Null Key Default Extra id int 3 NO PRI NULL auto_increment brand.. sec mysql show columns from models Field Type Null Key Default Extra id int 3 NO PRI NULL auto_increment model..

Mysqli update throwing Call to a member function bind_param() error


array memberMysqli foreach array as key value echo p Key . key. Value . value . p query ALTER TABLE questionnaire ADD..

Many hash iterations: append salt every time?


A reference more like an overview to the entire process Key Strengthening As for the degenerating collisions the only source..

MySQL or PHP is appending a  whenever the £ is used


mysql SHOW COLUMNS FROM fraud_report Field Type Null Key Default Extra id mediumint 9 PRI NULL auto_increment crm_number..

Cross platform (php to C# .NET) encryption/decryption with Rijndael


static public String DecryptRJ256 string cypher string KeyString string IVString string sRet RijndaelManaged rj new RijndaelManaged.. cypher byte message encoding.GetBytes cypher byte Key encoding.GetBytes KeyString byte IV encoding.GetBytes IVString.. encoding.GetBytes cypher byte Key encoding.GetBytes KeyString byte IV encoding.GetBytes IVString rj.Padding PaddingMode.Zeros..

PHP some $_POST values missing but are present in php://input


5B198 5D 199&n_indeks 201&n_wartosc testtesttest Key 't_dodparam' is in post and it has key 198. The rest of parameters..

PHP 2-way encryption: I need to store passwords that can be retrieved


not be stored. Then you'd do something like this key userKey . serverKey . userSuppliedKey The benefit there is that any.. Then you'd do something like this key userKey . serverKey . userSuppliedKey The benefit there is that any 2 of the keys.. something like this key userKey . serverKey . userSuppliedKey The benefit there is that any 2 of the keys can be compromised..

Insert Blobs in MySql databases with php


of my table. mysql describe ImageStore Field Type Null Key Default Extra ImageId int 11 NO PRI NULL Image longblob..

Google Calendar API v3 hardcoded credentials


this question You will need to use both the Developer Key API Key and OAuth2. The developer key authenticates who wrote.. question You will need to use both the Developer Key API Key and OAuth2. The developer key authenticates who wrote the software..

Automatically detect user's current local time with JavaScript or PHP


way of getting a user's current time and or timezone Key Issues Server side code is based on the website host or user's.. on the user's system clock which is too easily manipulated Key questions Is it necessary to pinpoint a user's geo location..

Service Applications and Google Analytics API V3: Server-to-server OAuth2 authentication?


Application which gave me a Client ID and a Private Key . It is my understanding that Service Applications do NOT use..