php Programming Glossary: ks
How to save encrypted data in cookie (using php)? php class MyProjCrypt private td private iv private ks private salt private encStr private decStr The constructor.. 'rijndael 256' '' 'ofb' '' algorithm this ks mcrypt_enc_get_key_size this td key size needed for the algorithm.. needed for the algorithm this salt substr md5 salt 0 this ks Generates a hex string of src @param src string String to be..
Convert this php digital signing to Delphi END RSA PRIVATE KEY And the output looks as such jcIIsr145dTwDrT8g4jb2HZ5FP5UL6 9mK7hF6hC2lCZGlM0W4QqFqytghWaU0w3Z6JkMVUlxxWtQ2R.. pounding away at this for some time with no success. Thanks. Someone requested I post some of my code. Below are some of.. mPrivateKey TLbRSAKey begin mPrivateKey TLbRSAKey.Create aks1024 mPrivateKey.LoadFromFile 'C temp myrsakey.der' LbDSA1 TLbDSA.create..