php Programming Glossary: kot
Has anyone seen php encryption like this? [closed] storeid x27 x20 x61n x64 d x61te ' date x27 x20a x6ed x20 kot x3d0 x6fr x20k x6f x74 x3d x31 x20 x6f x72 x20k x6f x74 x3d2.. masterout where storeid ' storeid' and date ' date' and kot 0 or kot 1 or kot 2 GLOBALS qmnicsblict sqlchkbill silucxpqku.. where storeid ' storeid' and date ' date' and kot 0 or kot 1 or kot 2 GLOBALS qmnicsblict sqlchkbill silucxpqku mysql_query..
How to set UTF-8 encoding for a PHP file cyber apiMorpho.php method getMorphoData word kot That displays some data in plain text Cz �� ï¿ mowy rzeczownik..