php Programming Glossary: it'll
How foreach actually works has refcount 1 before the loop so it won't be copied but it'll get an addref . Once you do the array the zval will be separated..
When to use static vs instantiated classes program if you set MyClass myData to some value somewhere it'll have this value and only it every where Speaking about the user..
How to get the content-type of a file in PHP? sure this exists. If those didn't return anything useful it'll try the OS' file command. AFAIK that's only available on NIX..
Php code formatter / beautifier and php beautification in general IDE ... . As an integrated tool of PHPEdit. Basically it'll turn if code BAD action REWRITE else action KEEP for i 0 i 10..
Why is require_once so bad to use? define 'MyIncludeName' 1 It's not great and it'll junk up your code but it's light. Personally I'll stick with..
“Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by” error [duplicate] it again as well as the similar block on lines 60 62 and it'll work. Notice that the error message you got actually gives you..
PHP include(): File size & performance stuff not done each time anymore which is great it'll mean less CPU used as the compilation will not be done anymore.. less CPU used as the compilation will not be done anymore it'll be done only once in a while . The opcodes are executed Depending.. will get executed. If the file contains instructions it'll take more time ^^ As a sidnote in a general situation you'll..
Is it okay to use array[key] in PHP? 'glop' It will not take echo array 'key' anymore instead it'll use the value of the key constant and your code will be the..
How do I resize pngs with transparency in PHP?
How do I use cookies across two different domains? complex to carry out correctly but if you think it through it'll work out very well. Vinko points out in a comment thanks that..
localhost vs. between Windows and Linux. If you use a unix domain socket it'll be slightly faster than using TCP IP because of the less overhead..
How do I check if the request is made via AJAX with PHP? I am using codeigniter. I have a link that when it clicked it'll open the pop up dialog window this is done through ajax it requests..
How can I output a UTF-8 CSV in PHP that Excel will read properly?
convert part of dom element to string with html tags inside of them it is and the content inside tables. can some one help me. it'll be a greate help. thanks. php html dom share improve this..
Special characters in PHP / MySQL persoective that's your PHP script is expecting as it'll transcode all the string data from the internal character set..
PHP CURL HTTPS causing exception SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK CAs but no longer bundles ANY CA certs. So by default it'll reject all SSL certificates as unverifiable. You'll have to..
Why is Facebook PHP SDK getUser always returning 0? but if I make it call facebook api ' me' or whatever then it'll throw the invalid token exception. I've seen this problem but..
how to ping a server port with php? Echoing it will display the ping if the host is up if not it'll say down . echo ping 80 10 i want this for game..
any good php tutorial on how to send sms to phones? on Sending SMS thru HTTP seems like a nice way to go. It'll enable you to Use PHP and the HTTP protocol to send text messages..
Whats the easiest way to determine is a user in online? (PHP/MYSQL) 60 seconds or so to let you know they are still alive. It'll work the same way as my original suggestion but it will update..
Type casting for user defined objects the PHP farm. The following is valid to the PHP compiler It'll happily turn this into executable byte code but you'll get a..
What is the proper way to setup and use php-resque? question You can put your job classes where you want. It'll depend on your application structure. How to create a job class..
Calling PHP Parent Constructors With Old/New Syntax Bar extends Foo public function Bar parent Foo a new Bar It'll get you a Fatal Error Fatal error Call to undefined method Foo..
Optimizing Kohana-based Websites for Speed and Scalability users based on a cookie like the session cookie typically It'll mean that Apache PHP has less to deal with only identified users..
phpseclib or ssh2 pecl extension contrast doesn't require much of anything other than PHP. It'll use mcrypt gmp bcmath or openssl if they're available but if..
Why is this xmlreader code not working? xml xml parsing xmlreader share improve this question It'll take time and proper debugging to come up with working pure..
php in javascript? That doesn't do what you probably think it does. It'll work but the PHP gets run once when the page is loaded not every..
are arrays in php passed by value or by reference? my_func a a 30 arr array 10 20 my_func arr var_dump arr It'll give this output array 0 int 10 1 int 20 Which indicates the..
What should every PHP programmer know? going into this without knowing everything about it. It'll give you a fresh perspective and a think outside of the box..
PHP: Creating Extensible CMS System insist that the code runs on Oracle or MSSQL. Or SQLite. It'll be nice to tell them it can be done with some effort . Plugin..
What kinds of patterns could I enforce on the code to make it easier to translate to another programming language? ask What the hell is the point of this The answer is... It'll be an interesting learning experience. If you have any insights..
How do I apply URL normalization rules in PHP? looks like it'll do at least part of what you want. It'll remove dot segments fix capitalization and get rid of the default..
Sending a 404 error in PHP at this URI webserver Webserver Yes I do it's a PHP page. It'll tell you what the response code is PHP Hey OMG 404 Webserver..
PHP function that receive a cron string and return the next run timestamp this class PHP Parse cron strings and compute schedules It'll also compute the last scheduled run share improve this answer..
Regex - Greedyness - matching HTML tags, content and attributes to work with HTML Instead use DOMDocument loadHTML . It'll allow you to manipulate your HTML data using the DOM which is..
What is the fastest way of selecting 2 columns from the same (random) record in MySQL? Guitar Pizza The system would randomly pick a record. It'll then echo 'A boy named firstname likes favoritefood'. Something..
Detect if cookies are enabled in PHP cookie is working . Call it with command line like curl . It'll say cookie is not working Update Here is a single file solution...