php Programming Glossary: is_string
Measure the pronounceability of a word? 'u' 'y' static composites array 'mm' 'll' 'th' 'ing' if is_string word return false Remove non letters and put in lowercase word..
finding common prefix of array of strings 0 return errArrZeroLength cur 0 foreach arr as key val if is_string val min strlen val strFirstFound key echo Key tLength Notification.. foreach is faster if forLoop foreach arr as key val if is_string val cur strlen val echo key t cur n if cur 0 return cur 0 is.. for is faster else for i strFirstFound 1 i arrLength i if is_string arr i cur strlen arr i echo i t cur n if cur 0 return cur 0..
Best practice: Import mySQL file in PHP; split queries ' . n while ob_get_level 0 ob_end_flush flush if is_string query true query array return fclose file return false..
PHP - Find parent key of array array as key value if is_array value pass parent if is_string key pass key found find_parent value needle pass if found..
Simulate php array language construct or parse with regexp? opening php tag foreach tokens as token char token if is_string token if isset allowedChars token throw new Exception 'Disallowed..
PHP date calculation this would help function dateDifference date1 date2 d1 is_string date1 strtotime date1 date1 d2 is_string date2 strtotime date2.. date1 date2 d1 is_string date1 strtotime date1 date1 d2 is_string date2 strtotime date2 date2 diff_secs abs d1 d2 base_year min..
PHP array Encoding and Decoding:Need a function for encoding and decoding string or array with delimiters or array itself array if is_array object return encodeArray object else if is_string object return encodeString object return 0 private function.. function smartDecode object encodes string or array if is_string object strpos object 1 return encodeDelimiter object else if.. strpos object 1 return encodeDelimiter object else if is_string object return encodeString object return 0 private function..
Issues porting PHP/GD wrapper to Imagick null output null sharp true if isset input output true if is_string input true input @ImageCreateFromString @file_get_contents..
Add column to Magento admin catolog > manage products null column block getColumn 'COLUMN_ID' if is_string filter filter block helper 'adminhtml' prepareFilterString..
Fastest way to check if a string is JSON in PHP? this is not the best way function isJson string return is_string string is_object json_decode string is_array json_decode string..
Wordwrap / Cut Text in HTML string t n r 0 x0B list array foreach charlist as char if is_string char throw new InvalidArgumentException 'Not an Array of strings.'..
PHP Using Default Arguments in a Function single parameter of object type SOMETHING else if is_string params single argument given as string else if is_array params..