php Programming Glossary: gzcompress
PHP ZIP file download header segment unc_len strlen data crc crc32 data zdata gzcompress data zdata substr substr zdata 0 strlen zdata 4 2 fix crc bug..
How would you code an anti plagiarism site? code which uses Zlib PHP function ncd x y cx strlen gzcompress x cy strlen gzcompress y return strlen gzcompress x . y min.. Zlib PHP function ncd x y cx strlen gzcompress x cy strlen gzcompress y return strlen gzcompress x . y min cx cy max cx cy print ncd.. strlen gzcompress x cy strlen gzcompress y return strlen gzcompress x . y min cx cy max cx cy print ncd 'this is a test' 'this was..
How to compress/decompress a long query string in PHP? of ASCII characters. Using any sort of compression like gzcompress would reduce the size of the string but result in a binary blob... very long search string' echo str . n echo base64_encode gzcompress str 9 . n echo bin2hex gzcompress str 9 . n echo urlencode gzcompress.. . n echo base64_encode gzcompress str 9 . n echo bin2hex gzcompress str 9 . n echo urlencode gzcompress str 9 . n Hello I am a very..
Why is php gzip output not working for me? x8b x08 x00 x00 x00 x00 x00 size strlen contents contents gzcompress contents 9 contents substr contents 0 size print contents exit..
Which compression method to use in PHP? which one to use gzencode gzdecode gzdeflate gzinflate gzcompress gzuncompress Which pair of functions would you recommend and.. as the name and last modification date. The zlib format gzcompress on the other hand was designed for in memory and communication.. contained gzip format same as the gzip command line tool gzcompress uses the raw ZLIB format. It is similar to gzencode but with..
PHP: How to check whether a library has been properly installed and enabled?