php Programming Glossary: dsn
PDO MySQL: Use PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES or not? settings emulate_prepares_below_version '5.1.17' dsndefaults array_fill_keys array 'host' 'port' 'unix_socket' 'dbname'.. array 'host' 'port' 'unix_socket' 'dbname' 'charset' null dsnarr array_intersect_key settings dsndefaults dsnarr dsndefaults.. 'charset' null dsnarr array_intersect_key settings dsndefaults dsnarr dsndefaults connection options I like options..
Best practices in PHP and MySQL with international strings issue this query on every re connect by using db new PDO dsn user pass db setAttribute PDO MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND SET NAMES..
Reference - frequently asked questions about PDO [closed] here is an example for creating a PDO connection right way dsn mysql host host dbname db charset utf8 opt array PDO ATTR_ERRMODE.. PDO ERRMODE_EXCEPTION other options pdo new PDO dsn user pass opt Connecting this way you will be always notified..
Use of PDO in classes __construct building data source name from config dsn 'pgsql host ' . Config read '' . ' dbname ' . Config.. password Config read 'db.password' this dbh new PDO dsn user password public static function getInstance if isset self..
php/symfony/doctrine memory leak? looks like all doctrine class sfDoctrineDatabase param dsn 'mysql host localhost dbname .......' username ..... password..
What is the best method for getting a database connection/object into a function in PHP? _init_resource resource options null if resource 'DB' dsn 'mysql host localhost' username 'my_username' password 'p4ssw0rd'.. 'my_username' password 'p4ssw0rd' try self DB new PDO dsn username password catch PDOException e echo 'Connection failed..
PDO try-catch usage in functions this class DB private static instance NULL private static dsn mysql host localhost dbname mydatabase private static db_user.. getInstance if self instance self instance new PDO self dsn self db_user self db_pass self instance setAttribute PDO ATTR_ERRMODE..
PHP - a DB abstraction layer use static class vs singleton object? lazy load connection if this _connection null dsn create valid dsn string from this _config try this _connection.. load connection if this _connection null dsn create valid dsn string from this _config try this _connection new PDO dsn.. string from this _config try this _connection new PDO dsn this _config 'username' this _config 'password' catch PDOException..
Are mysql_real_escape_string() and mysql_escape_string() sufficient for app security? HACK at the bare minimum. And it's less code pdo new PDO dsn column 'url' value 'http ' limit 1 validColumns..
Special characters in PHP / MySQL a matter of setting a configuration parameter db new PDO dsn user password db setAttribute PDO MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND SET..
Get Last Executed Query in PHP PDO create PDO with custom PDOStatement class pdo new PDO dsn username password options prepare a query query pdo prepare..
Solving “MySQL server has gone away” errors DbPool private connections array function addConnection id dsn this connections id array 'dsn' dsn 'conn' null function getConnection.. function addConnection id dsn this connections id array 'dsn' dsn 'conn' null function getConnection id if isset this connections.. addConnection id dsn this connections id array 'dsn' dsn 'conn' null function getConnection id if isset this connections..
Using pdo in php with stored procedure in C apache...... 3rd line Here is my php code db new PDO DSN DBUSER DBPASS stmt db prepare CALL test stmt bindParam 1 'hai..
UTF-8 all the way through layer with PHP &ge 5.3.6 you can specify charset in the DSN dbh new PDO 'mysql charset utf8' If you're using mysqli you..
How to check if an email address exists without sending an email? for exactly this. If the server responds with a 2.0.0 DSN the user exists. VRFY user You can issue a RCPT and see if the.. user@domain If the user doesn't exist you'll get a 5.1.1 DSN. However just because the email is not rejected does not mean..
Where to store database login credentials for a PHP application db_general driver mysql user USERNAME password PASSWORD DSN see http manual en pdo.drivers.php db_data_source_name..
PDO connection works from command line, but not through Apache? not through Apache I have a very simple test script php DSN mysql host port 3306 dbname search_data try DB.. port 3306 dbname search_data try DB new PDO DSN username super secret password catch PDOException e header 'Content..