php Programming Glossary: do_upload
javascript variable into php code but I got value always 1 here is my code function do_upload categories print ' script type text javascript
Upload two files at once html or am I simply using the class incorectly this upload do_upload 'video_file' this upload do_upload 'image_file' Produces this.. incorectly this upload do_upload 'video_file' this upload do_upload 'image_file' Produces this on the image field The filetype you.. 999999999 this load library 'upload' config if this upload do_upload 'image_file' error array 'error' this upload display_errors..
Uploading in Codeigniter - The filetype you are attempting to upload is not allowed if there was an error return and display it if this upload do_upload 'proof_of_purchase' data 'error' this upload display_errors..
Upload multiple files in CodeIgniter TRUE this upload initialize config if this upload do_upload error 0 else error 1 if error 0 return FALSE else return TRUE.. 'name' this upload initialize config if this upload do_upload fieldname errors this upload display_errors flashMsg errors..
Codeigniter multiple file upload as key value if empty value 'temp_name' if this upload do_upload key errors this upload display_errors flashMsg errors else..
CodeIgniter: “The filetype you are attempting to upload is not allowed.” '0' this load library 'upload' config if this upload do_upload 'userfile' FALSE Some error occured var_dump this upload display_errors..
Codeigniter & HTML5 - Trying to Upload Multiple Images at Once etc. this upload initialize arr_config if this upload do_upload h arr_file_data this upload data Explanation I simply change..