php Programming Glossary: also
Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP? feature is provided by the real PDO behind it. Thus also allowed named placeholder lists later. More importantly you.. it doesn't just get more intricate for you to follow. It's also extraneous effort for MySQL to segregate code and data again... advantages of dropping mysql_ . There's occasionally also a performance advantage repeated INSERTs with just differing..
How do you parse and process HTML/XML in PHP? HTML. It is designed to work not only with local files but also with web services and database resources. It implements much.. of errors instead of PHP warnings or notices. They also add various custom methods and shortcuts for convenience and.. more dedicated parsers once HTML5 is finalized. There is also a blogpost by the W3's titled How To for html 5 parsing that..
Headers already sent by PHP response. PHP scripts mainly generate HTML content but also pass a set of HTTP CGI headers to the webserver HTTP 1.1 200.. and spaces alone can be a problem. But there are also invisible character sequences which can cause this. Most famously.. rewrites close and open tags into long and short forms but also easily fixes leading and trailing whitespace and BOM issues..
When to use single quotes, double quotes, and backticks? 'INSERT INTO table id col1 col2 VALUES NULL val1 val2 ' Also in the above example consider that table col n and val n may..
Warning: mysql_fetch_* expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given error [duplicate] HTML else it will at the very least generate invalid HTML. Also database error messages shouldn't be displayed to non admin..
Reference - What does this error mean in PHP? approach and a listing of existing Q A that are of value. Also feel free to improve any existing answers. The List Nothing.. version for the right syntax to use near ... at line ... Also see Reference What does this symbol mean in PHP php debugging.. blocks if you had code that was automatically constructed Also make sure you don't have any Byte Order Marks in your code for..
Are PDO prepared statements sufficient to prevent SQL injection? that easy You can assume MySQL if it makes a difference. Also I'm really only curious about the use of prepared statements.. tend to be admins you may have just given away the farm. Also note this is one more reason not to store passwords in plain..
Reference - frequently asked questions about PDO [closed] suppression operator @ in front of your PDO statements. Also due to many bad examples telling you to wrap every PDO statement..
Robust and Mature HTML Parser for PHP [duplicate] libraries already exist and do a much better job on this. Also see Parsing Html The Cthulhu Way Books If you want to spend..
mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in select HTML else it will at the very least generate invalid HTML. Also database error messages shouldn't be displayed to non admin..
What is the difference between single-quoted and double-quoted strings in PHP? 4.3 Useless Optimizations toward the bottom section C . Also this benchmarks page has a single vs double quote comparison...
How do you parse and process HTML/XML in PHP? libraries already exist and do a much better job on this. Also see Parsing Html The Cthulhu Way Books If you want to spend..
Grabbing the href attribute of an A element href parentNode removeAttribute 'href' remove attribute Also see Best methods to parse HTML Noob question about DOMDocument..
Secure hash and salt for PHP passwords How to achieve a good balance between speed and safety Also I'd prefer the result to have a constant number of characters... salts equally good Is there any way to generate good salts Also should I store two fields in the database one using MD5 and.. tolerate. The lowest number I'd recommend is 2500 rounds. Also make sure to use hash_hmac if it is available to make the operation..
PHP global in functions severly hampered by all of the above. So is unit testing . Also your function signatures are lying when you couple to the global..
How should a model be structured in MVC? Controller object and keeps track of initialized services. Also you might notice the anonymous dbhProvider function is passed..
Reference: What is a perfect code sample using the MySQL extension? [closed] way with this library and is unlikely to change it now. Also the mysql_ family of functions is perfectly safe if used properly...
How can I convert ereg expressions to preg in PHP? expr preg_quote ' hello' ' ' preg_match ' ^'. expr.' ' str Also PCRE supports modifiers for various things. One of the most..