php Programming Glossary: allelements
Zend form validation if isset _POST 'btnPost_x' if form isValid _POST allElements form getElements foreach allElements as val if in_array 'ele_4af42ceac7810'.. if form isValid _POST allElements form getElements foreach allElements as val if in_array 'ele_4af42ceac7810' toRemValArray value form..
Count all HTML tags in page PHP DOMElements with DOM dom new DOMDocument dom loadHTML HTML allElements dom getElementsByTagName ' ' echo allElements length The above.. HTML allElements dom getElementsByTagName ' ' echo allElements length The above will output 8 because there is eight elements.. of elements you can do elementDistribution array foreach allElements as element if array_key_exists element tagName elementDistribution..
PHP: Can I reference a single member of an array that is returned by a function? seem to 'take'. I need to do this as a 2 stepper php allElements functionThatReturnsAnArray firstElement allElements 0 ... just.. php allElements functionThatReturnsAnArray firstElement allElements 0 ... just curious other languages I play with allow things..