php Programming Glossary: abs
PHP: How to resolve a relative url a function that given a relative URL and a base returns an absolute URL. I've searched and found many functions that do it.. reproduced code below for convenience php function rel2abs rel base return if already absolute URL if parse_url rel PHP_URL_SCHEME.. php function rel2abs rel base return if already absolute URL if parse_url rel PHP_URL_SCHEME '' return rel queries..
“Distance” between colours in PHP hexdec substr rgb2 2 2 blue2 hexdec substr rgb2 4 2 return abs red1 red2 abs rgreen1 green2 abs blue2 blue2 share improve..
PHP: producing relative date/time from timestamps 60 return 'last month' return date 'F Y' ts else diff abs diff day_diff floor diff 86400 if day_diff 0 if diff 120 return..
Detect “overall average” color of the picture imageFile numColors granularity 5 granularity max 1 abs int granularity colors array size @getimagesize imageFile if..
mysqli giving “Commands out of sync” error - why? 'STATE' zip newArray 'ZIP' kdate newArray 'KDATE' date abs strtotime date 'm d Y' strtotime date kdate 60 60 24 echo sprintf.. db If I remove lines from aid row agent_id to.... date abs strtotime date 'm d Y' strtotime date kdate 60 60 24 everything..
How to count days between two dates in PHP? 2011 07 01 endTimeStamp strtotime 2011 07 17 timeDiff abs endTimeStamp startTimeStamp numberDays timeDiff 86400 86400..
How can i write data into an excel using PHP
Geo-Search (Distance) in PHP/MySQL (Performance) U2 cosU2 cos U2 lambda L lambdaP 2 M_PI iterLimit 20 while abs lambda lambdaP 1e 12 iterLimit 0 sinLambda sin lambda cosLambda..
PHP - Nearest value from an array arr closest null foreach arr as item if closest null abs search closest abs item search closest item return closest.. foreach arr as item if closest null abs search closest abs item search closest item return closest share improve this..
MySQL Great Circle Distance (Haversine formula) 'lon' get the range lat_range distance 69.172 lon_range abs distance cos details 0 69.172 min_lat number_format origin_lat..
How to calculate the difference between two dates using PHP? time periods. date1 2007 03 24 date2 2009 06 26 diff abs strtotime date2 strtotime date1 years floor diff 365 60 60 24.. s b s a s result invert invert 1 0 result days intval abs one two 86400 if invert _date_normalize a result else _date_normalize..
Reference: Comparing PHP's print and echo evaluate to values for example true evaluates to false and abs 5 evaluates to 5 . Since print e is also an expression it must..