php Programming Glossary: abbreviation
java and python equivalent of php's foreach($array as $key => $value) In php one can handle a list of state names and their abbreviations with an associative array like this php stateArray array ALABAMA.. stateArray as stateName stateAbbreviation print The abbreviation for stateName is stateAbbreviation. n n Output with key order.. n n Output with key order preserved The abbreviation for ALABAMA is AL. The abbreviation for ALASKA is AK. The abbreviation..
Convert date/time (PHP)
What's the meaning of the PHP Token Name T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM I'm mainly interested in knowing if This is an abbreviation for something else This is a phrase in a language other than..
php display number with ordinal suffix 'th' 'th' 'th' 'th' 'th' if number 100 11 number 100 13 abbreviation number. 'th' else abbreviation number. ends number 10 Where.. number 100 11 number 100 13 abbreviation number. 'th' else abbreviation number. ends number 10 Where number is the number you want to..
php - how to get the server time zone output of the date command with the alphabetic time zone abbreviation formatter as such systemTimeZone system 'date Z' However it..
Convert date format for db [duplicate] Greenwich time GMT with colon between h and m T Timezone abbreviation Z Timezone offset in seconds. Full Date Time c ISO 8601..